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PAC - Receipting

Receipting Overview

This is the area where all receipt processing against parent accounts occurs in TASS.web.

Facilities available include the ability to:

  • Perform searches and drill-down on to existing receipts records.
  • Add new receipts.
  • Reprint existing receipts.
  • Perform BPay® and electronic receipts processing.
  • Produce a bank deposit report which will transfer your unbanked receipts to your TASS.web Cash Book for reconciliation against your bank statement.

TASS.web caters for three types of receipts:

  • Fee Receipts (parent accounts or parent accounts with a sundry component).
  • Enrolment Deposit Receipts.
  • Sundry Receipts.

The facility to enter enrolment receipts, through this module, will only be available if the 'Fees' field is selected in the 'Use Receipts' area within Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the 'Enrolments' tab.

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