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PAC - Bank Deposit Report


The Bank Deposit Report program generates a multi-purpose report providing you with:

  • The ability to print a 'Trial' bank deposit report without updating the cash book for checking against the physical banking. It also can be used for checking totals and other details prior to closing off the banking.

  • The ability to generate a final deposit report suitable for taking to the bank. Running the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode closes off the banking and updates the 'Cash Book' with the total of the banking.

  • The running of a 'Final' bank deposit report will also update the 'Cashbook' for Direct Banking, BPay and Electronic (web-based) receipt batches. However, these will not print on the bank deposit report.

  • The ability to reprint a previously generated 'Final' bank deposit report.


Receipts cannot be edited after the 'Final' Bank Deposit Report has been run.

'Report Criteria' is entered into the fields displayed in the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report. A 'Bank Code', 'Description' and 'Cash Book Posting Date' must be entered to generate the report.

Fields that require further explanation

Bank Code

Displays a pick list populated with the Bank Codes that have unbanked Receipts.


Displays the description that will be posted to the Cash Book. Relates to 'Final Report' only.

Cash Book Posting Date

Displays the date that the banking will be posted to Cash Book for receipt types Cash, Cheque and Plastic. Relates to 'Final Report' only.

This will automatically default to the date of the most recent un-banked cash, cheque or plastic receipt. It is not advised to change this date.

For more information on the different receipt payment types supported by TASS.web, refer to Finance > Parent Accounts > Receipting > Receipts on the 'General tab' under 'Payment Type'.

User Id / Entry Code

Displays a picklist populated with the users that have un-banked Receipts. Leave this field blank to bank all outstanding Receipts or run banking for an individual user's receipting.

Payment Type

This option enables you to create a Bank Deposit Report and hence a cashbook posting for a singular payment type.

An example of this is that you may be entering receipts for Direct Deposits from your bank statement. You want these to post through to the cashbook but don't want to wait for the whole-of-school banking to occur. This option allows you to run banking for these payment types only.

Only payment types with un-banked receipts will be displayed in this drop-down list.

The 'Print' tab allows you to choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer or Microsoft Word®.

The 'Print' tab is also used to format the report. A checkbox to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Print Plastic Cards separately' is available on the right side of the screen.

Selecting 'Print Plastic Cards separately' will create a page break to place credit card and EFTPOS payments on a new page.

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