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PAC - Electronic Receipts Processing


The TASS.web Parent Accounts ‘Electronic Receipts Processing’ program is multi-purpose. It can be used to:

  • Generate receipts for Fee Account Payments made in Parent Lounge.

Fee receipts can also include additional charges and levies such as Building Fund and a Year Group based Charge/Levy.

  • Generate receipts for Events Payments (as sundry receipts) made in Parent Lounge.

  • Generate receipts for Fee Account Payments made in Parent Lounge.

  • Generate receipts for Extra Curricular Payments made in Parent Lounge.

  • Upload Enrolment Payments from a correctly formatted file provided by a third-party payment provider.

  • Generate Enrolment Receipts.

  • Upload parent Fee Account Payments and voluntary levies from a correctly formatted file provided by a third-party payment provider.

  • Generate Fee Receipts.

  • Upload Sundry Payments from a correctly formatted file provided by a third-party payment provider.

  • Generate Sundry Receipts.

  • Edit and delete Enrolment and Sundry payments (prior to generating receipts).

TASS.web supports three generic file formats:

  1. Fee Account Payments

  2. Sundry Payments.

  3. Enrolment Payments.

Uploading Fee Receipts

Click the 'Upload Fee Receipts' button to continue.

You then need to indicate where the file resides on the network directory. Use the 'Browse' button to find the file and 'Go' to commence the upload.

File Includes Header Row

Check this radio button if the file you are uploading contains a header row. This will force the upload to ignore row 1 of the receipt file.

Click 'Go' to commence the upload.


There is a safeguard built into the upload to detect for loading the same file twice. If this occurs an exception report will be produced with a message for each duplicated line item. Duplicate Entry – An entry with this Parent Code, Date and Line Number already exists.

Once the receipts have been successfully uploaded a 'Payments Loaded Report' will be displayed.

Return to the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen and the uploaded fee payments batch will be displayed including details of 'Type', 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch', 'Batch Entry Date' and 'Batch Total'.

In the 'Action' column click on the 'Generate Fee Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch' displayed.

A screen with 'Generate Fee Receipts' will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation

Include Parent Name in Comment Line

Check this radio button to indicate if you want the parent name automatically inserted as the first line in the receipt comment.

Do you want receipts automatically applied?

Check this radio button to indicate if you want the receipts to be automatically applied (from oldest transaction forward) on the parent accounts.

Leave it unchecked if you want to come back later and manually apply the receipts.

Generate Fundraising Donations?

For parents with a fee receipt payment that includes an amount for building fund donation and who have a valid linked donor record in the TASS.web Fundraising module, the system can automatically create a donation record in Fundraising for the amount of the building fund.

Check this radio button if you want this to happen and the Appeal Code will become mandatory.

Appeal Code

Indicate the Fundraising appeal code to apply the donations, e.g. Building Fund 2011.

Click the 'Generate' button to create the receipt batch or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt.

The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.


The system will create one cashbook transaction per 'Web/Electronic Batch' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement). This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.

Uploading Sundry Receipts

Click the 'Upload Sundry Receipts' button to continue.

You then need to indicate where the file resides on the network directory. Use the 'Browse' button to find the file and 'Go' to commence the upload.

File Includes Header Row

Check this radio button if the file you are uploading contains a header row. This will force the upload to ignore row 1 of the receipt file.

Click 'Go' to commence the upload.


There is a safeguard built into the upload to detect for loading the same file twice. If this occurs an exception report will be produced with a message for each duplicated line item. Duplicate Entry – An entry with this Parent Code, Date and Line Number already exists

Once the receipts have been successfully uploaded a 'Sundry Electronic Payments – Payments Loaded' Report will be displayed.

Return to the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen and the uploaded fee payments batch will be displayed including details of 'Type', 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch', 'Batch Entry Date' and 'Batch Total'.

In the 'Action' column click the 'Edit Batch' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch' displayed.

The 'Sundry Payments Batch List' screen will be displayed and you may edit or delete the payments listed by clicking the link in the 'Action' column. There is also a 'Print' icon at the top to generate a 'Sundry Payments Batch Listing' where payments have been edited or deleted.

Where the payments are to be linked to Fundraising, use this report to check that the Donor link for each payment is correct by checking the 'Received From' details against the Donor Name. Use the 'Edit' link on the 'Sundry Payments Batch List' screen to change or add Fundraising details for a sundry payment.

Return to the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen and in the 'Action' column click on the 'Generate Sundry Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch' displayed.

A screen with 'Generate Sundry Receipts' will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation


The default bank account will be displayed. If the fund received were settled to another bank account, you would choose the alternate bank account.

Click the 'Generate' button to create the receipt batch or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt.

The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.


The system will create one cashbook transaction per 'Web/Electronic Batch' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement) This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.

Uploading Enrolment Receipts

Click the 'Upload Enrolment Receipts' button to continue.

You then need to indicate where the file resides on the network directory. Use the 'Choose File' button to find the file.

File Includes Header Row

Check this radio button if the file you are uploading contains a header row.  This will force the upload to ignore row 1 of the receipt file.

Click 'Go' to commence the upload.


There is a safeguard built into the upload to detect for loading the same file twice. If this occurs an exception report will be produced with a message for each duplicated line item. Duplicate Entry – An entry with this Parent Code, Date and Line Number already exists.

Once the receipts have been successfully uploaded an 'Enrolment Electronic Payments – Payments Loaded' Report will be displayed.

Return to the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen and the uploaded enrolment payments batch will be displayed including details of 'Type', 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch', 'Batch Entry Date' and 'Batch Total'.

In the 'Action' column click 'Edit Batch' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch' displayed.

The 'Enrolment Payments Batch List' screen will be displayed and you may 'Edit' or 'Delete' the payments listed by clicking the link in the 'Action' column. There is also a 'Print' icon at the top to generate an 'Enrolment Payments Batch Listing' where payments have been edited or deleted.

Return to the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen and in the 'Action' column click on the 'Generate Enrolment Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch' displayed.

A screen with 'Generate Enrolment Receipts' will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation


The default bank account will be displayed. If the funds received were settled to another bank account, you would choose the alternate bank account.

Click the 'Generate' button to create the receipt batch or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt.

The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.


The system will create one cashbook transaction per 'Web/Electronic Batch' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement) This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.

Generating Fee Receipts for Payments Made by Parents in Parent Lounge

This function is used to generate receipts for online payments that have been successfully processed through Parent Lounge Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account.

Upon load of the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen, payment batches for which receipts have not been generated will be displayed including details of 'Web Batch #' and 'Batch Total'.


Before generating receipts for a Web Batch, you should verify that the batch total displayed on this screen matches the total on the Daily Settlement Report (excluding surcharges) from your PayWay portal. If it does not match, it will be where one or more payments on the Daily Settlement Report have not been updated in TASS from Pending to Approved status (this can occur if there was a server communication failure between Payway and your school's server). In this scenario, a special Notification email is sent by Payway (to the email address set up in your Payway portal). You must access this email(s), and follow the 'Edit Pending Payment' procedure outlined below.

Generate Receipts

In the 'Action' column click on the 'Generate Fee Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch #' displayed and click 'Yes' to proceed.

A screen with 'Generate Fee Receipts' will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation

Include Parent Name in Comment Line

Check this radio button to indicate if you want the parent name automatically inserted as the first line in the receipt comment.

Do you want receipts automatically applied?

Check this radio button to indicate if you want the receipts to be automatically applied (from oldest transaction forward) on the parent accounts.

Leave it unchecked if you want to come back later and manually apply the receipts.

Generate Fundraising Donations?

For parents with a fee receipt payment that include an amount for building fund donation and who have a valid linked donor record in the TASS.web Fundraising module, the system can automatically create a donation record in Fundraising for the amount of the building fund.

Check this radio button if you want this to happen and the Appeal Code will become mandatory.

Appeal Code

Indicate the Fundraising appeal code to which the donations apply, e.g. Building Fund 2011.


The default bank account will be displayed. If the fund received were settled to another bank account, you would choose the alternate bank account.

Click the 'Generate' button to create the receipt batch or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt.

The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.


The system will create one cashbook transaction per 'Web/Electronic Batch' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement). This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.

The generation of Parent Statements (TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements) supports additional levies, including:

  • Building Fund.

  • Additional Levy 1.

  • Additional Levy 2.

  • Year Group based Charge/Levy.

These levies are mapped back to GL accounts using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Receipting' tab.

If your electronic receipt file from Parent lounge contains levies/charges then this process will create the appropriate GL distributions.

If payments made in Parent Lounge contain a surcharge amount, this process will create a GL Distribution to the GL Account set up in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'GL Integration' tab.

Edit Pending Payments


Do not use this function unless you have received a 'Payway Net Server-to-Server Messaging Failure' notification email that indicates payment was taken from the parent but the payment confirmation was not received by TASS.

To update a Pending Payment to Approved, click the 'Edit Pending Payment' button in the toolbar.

The first step is to search for the pending payment by entering the Parent Code and Date from the PayWay Notification email. Click 'Go' to display the pending payment(s) found.

Click the 'Edit' action link for the payment to be updated to 'Approved'. 

The following fields require further explanation

Parent Code

Enter the TASS parent Code that matches the 'Payment Reference' in the Payway email.

Payment Date

Enter the date that matches the 'Settlement Date' in the PayWay Notification email.

Click 'Save' to update the payment to 'Approved' status. It will now be added to the Web Batch total displayed when you re-load the 'Electronic Receipts Processing' menu option.

Generating 'Events' Receipts for Payments Made by Parents in Parent Lounge

This function is used to generate sundry receipts for online payments that have been processed through the Parent Lounge Accounts & Payments > Events and Payments.

If a parent pays for multiple 'Events' with a single payment, this function will create a single receipt.

Upon load of the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen, payment batches for which receipts have not been generated will be displayed with a 'Type' of 'Event' including details of 'Web Batch/Electronic Batch #', 'Batch Entry Date' and 'Batch Total'.


Before generating receipts for a Web Batch, you should verify that the batch total displayed on this screen matches the total on the Daily Settlement Report (excluding surcharges) from your PayWay portal. If it does not match, use the 'Print Batch' link to print a hard copy.

It may because one or more payments on the Daily Settlement Report have not been updated in TASS from the 'Pending' to 'Approved' status (this can occur if there was a server communication failure between Payway and your school's server). In this scenario, a special Notification email is sent by Payway (to the email address set up in your Payway portal). You must access this email(s), and follow the 'Edit Pending Payment' procedure outlined above.

Generate Receipts

In the 'Action' column, click on the 'Generate Event Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch #' displayed and click 'Yes' to proceed.

A screen with 'Generate Event Receipts' will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation


The default bank account will be displayed. If the fund received were settled to another bank account, you would choose the alternate bank account.

Click the 'Generate' button to create the receipt batch or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt.

If payments made in Parent Lounge contain a surcharge amount, this process will create a GL Distribution to the GL Account set up in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'GL Integration' tab.

The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.


The system will create one cashbook transaction per 'Web/Electronic Batch' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement) This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.

If you do not want to create sundry receipts for online payments that have been processed through the Parent Lounge Accounts & Payments > Events and Payments, use the 'Disable' link next to the appropriate 'Web/Electronic Receipt Batch #' to remove the batch.

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