PAC - BPay Receipts Processing
The ‘BPay Receipts Processing’ program is used to upload and generate BPay receipt transactions from a file provided by the bank.
The upload program currently supports files from Westpac, National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank Australia and ANZ.
The TASS.web Parent Statement can be set up to print the BPay information on the statement. The parent then pays using BPay and the bank provides a file suitable for upload into TASS.web for the automated generation of receipts.
Your BPay parameters must have been set up using Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > BPay Parameters in order to operate this program.
Load BPay Bank File
Click the 'Load' button to continue. You then need to indicate the bank that you are using to process BPay transactions and where the file resides on the network directory.
The file provided by the bank will include two dates:
A bank file date that TASS.web uses as the date to post to the cashbook.
A transaction processing date that indicates the date that each parent paid. This is used as the receipt date for the parent account.
Successfully uploaded files will be displayed in the 'BPay Receipt Processing' screen.
Load History Report
This report can be generated for BPay bank files that have been successfully loaded. The report includes the Parent Account Balance and the actual Amount Paid. This may be useful to identify payments that include a building fund component (use the export to Excel® option to allow sorting, e.g. by Parent Code).
This report is primarily designed to be run prior to generating the BPay receipts to assist with the identification of overpayments that include building fund etc. If you run this for a posted BPay bank file (from a past date) and nominate the 'Include Account Balance' option, the report will include the current Parent Account Balances.
Click on 'Generate Receipts' to create a receipt batch.
The program will then create a receipt batch that can be printed. All transactions processed this way are flagged as a type 'B' receipt.
The trigger to post this transaction to the cash book is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.
This receipt batch will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.