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Student Notification Listing

Click the 'Listing' link in the 'Notification List' screen to:

  • Produce a list that displays the students and parents who received a Notification and/or SMS.

  • Produce a list that shows the students and parents who have acknowledged receipt of the Notification.

Students can register acknowledgement of a Notification by clicking on the 'Notification Box' in Student Café and ticking the 'Acknowledge' box.

Parents can register acknowledgement of a Notification:

  • Through the school's mobile app (where enabled).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To use Push Notifications, the school must hold a 'Mobile App' API licence and deploy a mobile app through a TASS Integration Partner. Refer to the TASS API Setup Checklist for more information.

  • By clicking on the 'Notification Box' in Parent Lounge and ticking the 'Acknowledge' box.

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