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Notification List Screen


When you access the program, a list of your upcoming Notifications display.

Use the drop-down list in the top right corner of the screen to select Notifications from an alternate timeframe.

Use the 'Search Notifications' button to search for specific criteria.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

There is a user permission point associated with the 'Search Notifications' button.

Enable the '–Search All Notifications' permission to allow users to search for all notifications sent by all users.

User permissions are set in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

The Notification list displays key information about each notification, such as who created the notification, the message text, and student, parent and staff options chosen for each notification.


Add a New Notification

Refer to Adding a New Student Notification or SMS for this information.

View an Existing Notification

Click the 'View' link to display the ‘Notification Options’ screen and view further details about the Notification.

Edit an Existing Notification

The 'Edit' link will only be available if:

  • You are the original creator of the Notification.

  • The 'End Date / End Time' has not yet been reached for the Notification.

You would use this to change the 'End Date/End Time' on a Notification so that it is removed from the view of students in Student Café, parents in Parent Lounge and staff in Staff Kiosk.

SMS can't be edited after sending.

Delete an Existing Notification

The 'Delete' link will only be available on the 'Student Notifications' screen if:

  • You are the original creator of the Notification.

  • The 'Start Date / Start Time' has not yet been reached for the Notification.

This means that you can only delete future Notifications.

SMS can't be deleted after sending.

Produce a Notifications Listing

Refer to Student Notification Listing for this information.

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