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How to Include Class Teacher Signatures in the Signature Section of the Student Report

This guide explains how to include each student's class teacher's signature, for a particular subject, such as 'Homeroom', in the signatures section of a Student Report or Exit Statement.


Menu Path




Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup - Signatory Details Tab

Set up a Signatory with the Class Teacher flag (Click New or Edit an existing signatory).

Signatory Number: Automatically assigned by the system when the Signatory is created.
Class Teacher: Tick this flag to associate the Signatory with Class Teachers.
Sort Order: Enter the Sort Order to indicate the signature's placement on the report.
Employee: Leave blank.
Signatory Name: Leave blank.
*Signatory Title: Enter the title that will display on reports eg Homeroom Teacher
Signatory Attachment: Leave blank.

  • Complete


Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers - General tab


Payroll HRM > Employee Information > Employees - General tab

Upload each teacher's digital signature.

  • Complete


Student Admin > Teacher Records > Listings and Reports > Teacher Subject Listing

Run the 'Teachers by Subject Listing' for the relevant Timetable period to review the allocated teachers for the Class Teacher subject classes.

  • Complete


Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports - Other Options tab


Generate Exit Statements  -Other Options tab

  • Signatory: Select the class teacher signatory from the picklist (only one class teacher signatory can be selected).

  • Class Teacher Subjects: Choose the subject eg Homeroom.

  • Complete

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