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ATT - Notifications From Parent Lounge


Parent Lounge contains functionality that allows parents to submit student absence notifications.

The Notifications From Parent Lounge program enables you to review and either accept or reject notifications that have been submitted by parents using Parent Lounge Student Details > Attendance.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

To enable this functionality:

  • The option 'Allow parents to enter Absence Notifications using Parent Lounge' must be ticked in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Parent Lounge' tab.

  • The 'Absentee Types' available for parents to use must have 'Add in PL' flag and 'View in PL'  set to 'Y' in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Types' tab.

  • The 'Absentee Reasons' available for parents to use must have 'Add in PL' flag and 'View in PL' set to 'Y' in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Reasons' tab.

When there are unprocessed absence notifications from Parent Lounge, users who have been granted permission for this program will receive a warning when they login to TASS.web.

All notifications that have been submitted by parents and have not yet been reviewed and either accepted or rejected will appear when this program is loaded.


A ‘yellow alert’ icon indicates that a conflicting absence record exists for this student.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Re-select' button to filter the records displayed.

Re-Select Button

The 'Re-Select' button can be used:

  • To search and filter the absence notifications displayed.

  • As a tool to analyse absentee records in the database. As an example, you may want a list of all students whose parents submitted a notification of absence over a specific date range.

  • To save and automatically apply your favourite search criteria each time you access the program. To do this, tick the 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite' option when running your search.

You can modify an existing 'My Favourite' by selecting the 'My Favourite' button at the top of the screen, making the necessary changes, then clicking 'Search'.

You can delete a 'My Favourite' by selecting the 'My Favourite' button at the top of the 'Daily Inquiry' screen, then click the 'Delete My Favourite' button.

Accepting or Rejecting Notifications

This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Click the 'Accept' link in the 'Action' column to create the absence record for this student without viewing absence notification details.

  2. Click the 'View' link in the 'Action' column to display the 'Absence Notification Details' screen and the absence details submitted for this student. You can then choose to 'Accept' or 'Reject' the absence notification by clicking the corresponding buttons.

  3. Tick one or more checkboxes to select students from the list. Click the 'Accept Selected' button to create the absence record(s) for the student(s).

Tick the 'All' box at the top of the column to select all student absence notifications awaiting review.


An icon will be displayed for an absence notification it cannot be accepted. This could be due to:

  • A conflicting absence.

  • The absence notification date is a non-timetable day.

  • The absence notification spans more than 1 day.

If a conflicting absence record exists, you can:

  • Overwrite any conflicting attendance record for this student. An 'Overwrite Student Absences' screen will appear and display a list of all conflicting records. You will be required to confirm the overwrite before the new attendance record is created.

  • Edit the details of the submitted absence notification using the fields in the 'Absence Notification Details' screen.

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