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Analytic Dashboard


This is the default analytic and will be displayed automatically when a student profile is loaded.

The last data update date/time for this analytic is displayed by hovering over the 'info' icon first.

Any student data that has been entered or updated after this date/time will not be included in the analytic.

This Staff Kiosk analytic organises data for the student based on the subjects he/she is studying for the current semester/term. The data displayed includes:

  • Final Academic Results for two reporting periods. These will be:

    • The current WIP reporting period and the prior reporting period (if final results have been entered in the current reporting period), or

    • The last two finalised reporting periods.

  • Trend Indicators.

  • Result Forecasting based on Progressive Assessment results entered in Staff Kiosk Assessment.

  • Attendance Rate (classes attended) statistics for each subject.

  • Missed Lesson statistics for each subject.

  • Pastoral Care statistics for each subject.

Rows Displayed in the Dashboard

1. Subjects

The individual Subjects that are listed are:

  • Subjects that the student is studying for the current year and semester/term.

  • Subjects with a Reporting Flag of 'Y'.

2. Grade Point Average

The Grade Point Average row is included automatically and is a calculated value based on the student's Academic results across multiple subjects.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Subjects can be included or excluded in the GPA calculation (set to a weighting of zero to exclude).

Each subject’s weighting can be adjusted in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab. Use the 'GPA Weighting' field.

3. Other Subjects

The Other Subjects row includes:

  • Subjects that the student is studying for the current year and semester/term.

  • Subjects with a Reporting Flag of 'N'.

Because these subject(s) are not used for Academic Reporting purposes, any 'Lessons Missed' or 'Pastoral Care' statistics that have been applied against one of these subjects, will be consolidated to a single line (with a total count).

4. Non-Subject Related

The Non-subject related row will display a count of non-subject related Pastoral Care Entries.

Columns Displayed in the Dashboard

1. Final Results

Two reporting period columns (with Results and Trend indicator) will display automatically. These will be:

  • The current WIP reporting period and the prior reporting period (if final results have been entered in the current reporting period), or

  • The last two finalised reporting periods.

By default, the program will display data in these columns for the reporting Objective that:

  • Has a 'Use in Analytics' flag of 'Y'.

  • Is used as the 'Overall Subject Grade' within Academic Reporting.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To exclude a reporting period from displaying within Staff Kiosk Analytics, you must ensure that there are no Objectives used within that reporting period that have a 'Use in Analytics' flag set to 'Y'.

Depending upon your school's configuration for Staff Kiosk Analytics, you may also be able to select an alternative Objective from the drop-down list.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

There are specific setup requirements to enable Staff Kiosk Analytics. Refer to the TASS.web guide How To > Staff Kiosk > How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics.

2. Forecast Results

This section of the analytic uses Progressive Assessment raw scores that have been entered into webBook, to calculate a 'Forecast Result' and a 'Trend Indicator' for the current reporting period.

The 'Trend Indicator' uses a comparison of the 'Forecast Result' for the current reporting period against the student's 'Final Result' for the last completed reporting period.

When a 'Final Result' has been entered for the student for the subject in the current reporting period, the 'Forecast' will no longer display.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The 'Forecast' column uses the same logic as the 'Forecast Results' button in webBook program Progressive Assessment > Activity Assessment > Markbook (Numeric Type Assessment) > Reporting and Statistics (Numeric).

It will only work if the teacher has set up a Calculation Rule in the 'Final Results' and 'Overall Subject Grade' columns of the Markbook.

For more information on the Calculation Rule, refer to webBook program Progressive Assessment > Activity Assessment > Markbook (Non-Numeric Type Assessment).

The forecasting function prorates the existing scores to forecast student results taking into account:

  • Activity Objective weightings.
  • Activity Objectives maximum results (numeric raw scores only).
  • Activity Objectives that have raw scores (it ignores those with no scores).
  • The calculation rule set up in the 'Final Results' column for each Objective.
  • The calculation rule set up in the 'Overall Subject Grade' column.

3. Lessons Missed

The 'Lessons Missed' column displays the count of lessons missed (with drill-down) and is calculated by using:

  • The subjects currently being studied by the student.

  • The student's attendance data.

  • The current timetable.

  • The current timetable calendar.

Click here for an Administrator Note

There are specific setup requirements for attendance capture to ensure the accurate recording of attendance data.

Refer to the TASS.web guide How To > Staff Kiosk > How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Online Attendance Capture.

4. Attendance Rate

The 'Attendance Rate' column displays the number of classes attended by the student and the rate of attendance expressed as a percentage.

Click here for an Administrator Note

There are specific setup requirements for attendance capture to ensure the accurate recording of attendance data.

Refer to the TASS.web guide How To > Staff Kiosk > How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Online Attendance Capture.

5. Pastoral Care

The 'Pastoral Care' column displays the count of Pastoral Care Entries (with drill-down) for:

  • Each individual Subject.

  • Other Subjects.

  • Non-subject related.


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