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Address Collection Checklist

Use this checklist to complete the Department of Education’s annual Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (Address Collection).





Upgrade to the latest TASS Version

To ensure that you are using the correct format, upgrade to the latest TASS version.



Review your Communication Rules and Address Data

The ‘Lives With’ rule should only be applied to street/residential addresses.

A Communication Rules Listing can be used to find Students without this rule and to spot-check data. 

The ‘Excl Addr Coll' option can be ticked where the address block should be excluded from the export, such as for international address blocks. The ‘Excl Addr Coll.’ option can be found in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student information > Students on the 'Addresses & Comm. Rules’ tab.

If your school is not using the Address Validation API, 'Address Line 1' should only be used to record property and building names, not physical addresses.

The Address Collection will only include data from Address Line 2. 



Review how address information is stored for split families 

TASS recommends the following Address Blocks be created to store the details of individual parents: 

  • Mother/Parent 1 Residential

  • Father/Parent 2 Residential

  • Mother/Parent 1 Correspondence

  • Father/Parent 2 Correspondence

The Residential address block for individual parents should only be populated when it is different to the Correspondence e.g. the Mother (or Parent 1) has provided a PO Box for Correspondence therefore a street address needs to be recorded in Residential.



Check your Address Collection Extract 

Run TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Address Collection (Aus).

  1. Read the ‘Address Collection (Aus)’ article.

  2. Select the records to include in your extract on the ‘General’, ‘User Defined’ or ‘Billing’ tabs.

  3. Complete the required fields on the 'Location Details' tab.

  4. On the 'Process' tab, select 'Raw Data Extract' and the Export to 'Excel' option. 

Items of note:

  • PO Boxes: your upload will be rejected by SchoolsHub if any are present. 

  • Deceased Parents: ensure you've used the 'Deceased' flag on the 'General' tab of the Parent record. 

  • Blank Parent Address: If a parent's address is the same as a student's address, the address information for the parent/guardian is blank. This is expected. 



Export your data 

When you're ready to export your data, run TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Address Collection (Aus).

  1. Select the records to include in your extract on the ‘General’, ‘User Defined’ or ‘Billing’ tabs.

  2. Complete the required fields on the 'Location Details' tab.

  3. On the 'Process' tab: Filters that require explanation/attention: 



    Suggested Setting

    Parent or Guardian 1 (Mother) and Parent or Guardian 2 (Father) Residential Address

    When the selected address block contains an address, it will be used instead of the Correspondence e.g. 'Parent or Guardian 1 (Mother) Correspondence'. 

    When the selected address block is empty, the Correspondence address block will be used e.g. 'Parent or Guardian 1 (Mother) Correspondence'. 

    If both are empty, the Student's address is used.

    e.g. 'Parent or Guardian 1 (Mother) Residential' or blank if you're not using the structure in Step 3.

    Export To

    You've checked your data and are ready to generate the file for SchoolsHub. 

    'XML File'

Do not open the XML file before uploading it to SchoolsHUB. Complete Step 4 and export to Excel for any data reviews. 



Upload your data to SchoolsHub

The XML file you exported is in the correct format and is ready to be uploaded through the SchoolsHub



Our Address Validation API checks and verifies addresses entered by parents or staff against known Australian postal addresses. This data can then be used to complete your school's Address Collection - saving time and resources. Click here to learn more about Address Validation and Heat Mapping.

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