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I received an Oops! Error when generating the Address Collection.

Start by reviewing the Oops! Error details in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Exception Log.



SES Report: No address found for parent code 000000. (Possibly decease status).

This exception commonly occurs when a student linked to a parent does not have any 'Relationship Tags' assigned, when the existing 'Relationship Tags' are incorrect, or when the address type used by the Address Collection (Aus) program is not filled out on the Parent Record. Correctly assigning Relationship Tags for Student(s), Parent(s), and Additional Parent(s), or entering address data into the correct section of the Parent Record, can resolve this error.

How to Update the Parent Address Data

  1. Navigate to the Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents. You can find the Parent Record by searching for the Parent Code referenced in the Exception Log.

  2. Go to the ‘Address’ tab.

  3. Ensure the parent has an address defined for the same area that you have selected on the ‘Process’ tab when running the Address Collection (Aus) program.

  4. If the Parent does not have an address entered in this area, enter their address.

How to Check and Assign Relationship Tags

There are two ways that this can be done:

From the Student Record:

  1. Navigate to the Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents. You can find the Parent Record by searching for the Parent Code referenced in the Exception Log.

  2. In the ‘Children Details' section, click 'View’ next to a Current Student. This shortcut will take you to the Student Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  3. Select the ‘Addresses & Comm. Rules’ tab and review the ‘Tag’ column for the Parent Code referenced in the Exception Log.

  4. Click the ‘Edit Communication Rules’ icon at the top of the screen to make any necessary changes, and then click ‘Save’.

  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each Current Student associated with the Parent Record.

From the Community Record:

  1. Navigate to the Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents. You can find the Parent Record by searching for the Parent Code referenced in the Exception Log.

  2. In the ‘Children Details' section, click 'View’ next to a Current Student. This shortcut will take you to the Student Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  3. Select the ‘General’ tab, and click the ‘Puzzle’ icon next the the ‘Person No.’ field. This shortcut will take you to the Person Record in the TASS.web Community program.

  4. Click the ‘Relationships’ icon at the top of the screen.

  5. Select the Parent Record(s) associated with the Parent Code that was referenced in the Exception Log.

  6. Click the ‘Edit Relationships’ icon.

  7. Select the ‘Edit Child Relationships’ icon and check the Relationship Tag field.

  8. Edit the ‘Relationship Tag’ field if required, and click ‘Save’.

  9. Repeat Steps 7-8 for each Child that is a Current Student.

An Oops! Error can occur for multiple Parent Codes. If you resolve the Oops! Error, export the Address Collection (Aus) extract and another Oops! Error appears, review the Exception Log again to confirm if the Oops! Error has found another Parent.

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