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Adding a New PC Entry

Click the 'New' button to display the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


Click here for more information on the Quick Student Search Tool.

Type three or more characters of the student's code, surname, preferred surname or given name into the 'Student Search' Box:

As soon as the third character is entered, matching students are displayed. You can keep typing to further refine your search or click on the blue section to select the student.

Only current students will be displayed.

If the field name is plural (Student(s)) you can add multiple.


Once a student has been selected their photo will be displayed.


Indicates the date for this PC Entry.

This field will automatically default to the current date.


Indicates the time for this PC Entry (optional).

This field will automatically default to the current time.


Use the drop-down list to select the type for this entry. 

For more information on Pastoral Care Types, refer to 'Types (Setup)'.


This field becomes mandatory if you selected the Pastoral Care Entry 'Type' (directly above) that is used to record entries that are related to a subject class, e.g. Class/Curriculum.

The drop-down list will provide a selection of the student's subject classes. You will be required to select one of these.


This field is used to define the Pastoral Care 'Conduct' for this PC Entry.

Conducts are a critical element for the Pastoral Care system:

  • They determine the automatic notifications that will occur when your PC Entry is saved. Automatic notifications can be delivered by email, SMS or Staff Kiosk and Parent Lounge notification.

  • They determine if you will be required to provide details of 'Recipient Student(s)' when this PC Entry is logged.
    For example, if a student has been bullying another student, then the student being bullied can also be recorded within the PC Entry as a recipient.

  • They determine if your PC Entry is of a negative, neutral or positive 'Nature'.

  • If your school is running a point-based Pastoral Care system they determine the number of points associated with this conduct that will be added or deducted from the student's starting points when you save this record.

You can override the system allocated points in the field directly below.

For more information on Pastoral Care Conducts, refer to 'Conduct (Setup)'.


This field will only be displayed if you school is running a Points-based Pastoral Care system.

The number of points associated with the 'Conduct' will be added or deducted from the student's starting points when you save this record.

You can override the system allocated points.

Recipient Students

This becomes a mandatory field if you use a 'Conduct' that has been set up to require the recording of recipient students.

This would typically be for a PC Entry that involved more than one student such as 'Bullying'.

You can select one or more 'Recipient' student.

Click here for more information on the Quick Student Search Tool.


Type three or more characters of the student's code, surname, preferred surname or given name into the 'Student Search' Box:

As soon as the third character is entered, matching students are displayed. You can keep typing to further refine your search or click on the blue section to select the student.

Only current students will be displayed.

If the field name is plural (Student(s)) you can add multiple.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Use Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Conducts (Setup) to nominate the 'Conducts' that require the 'Recipient Flags'.


A PC Entry 'Outcome' is an action or follow-up required as a result of the 'Conduct' recorded (optional).

If you select an 'Outcome' that has been flagged as requiring a Staff Kiosk 'Calendar Event' then you must pick the event date and time.

An example of this would be a PC Entry that involved a detention. 

You would nominate when the student is to undertake the detention based on the event options in the school calendar. The student would then be able to view the detention in his/her eDiary, Parents can also access their student's eDiaries in Parent Lounge.

The system will allow multiple teachers to enter a student into the same Outcome/Calendar Event combination. Therefore, the student can be allocated to the same detention multiple times.

A list of all students who are required to attend detention on a particular date and time can be produced using this program.

On the 'PC Entries' screen use the filters at the top to select the appropriate 'Outcome'. 

Choose an Outcome with a Calendar Link' and then pick from the 'Calendar' filter that becomes available.

You can use the 'Print' button to produce a hardcopy of the detention list.

You can then set the 'Complete' flag for all the students who attended.

To email the parents and/or students on a detention list, use Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries (Lists/Emails).

For more information on linking PC Entries to Calendar Events, refer to 'Outcomes (Setup)'.

Calendar Event

This is only available (and mandatory) if you have nominated an 'Outcome' for this PC Entry that is linked to a 'Calendar Event'.

If this is the case, select a 'Calendar Event' from the drop-down list.

Teacher Comment

Record up a comment of up to 4000 characters.

This is visible to other teachers when they view this PC Entry.

Comment for Parents

Record a comment of up to 4000 characters.

This is visible to parents from the 'Notifications' button in Parent Lounge through a hyperlink on the 'Notification Text' field for the Pastoral Care entry.


Use this to record when a student has completed this PC Entry/Outcome combination, e.g. The student has completed the nominated detention.

The completed flag can also be set in bulk for multiple PC Entries from the previous screen.

Parent Contacted

Tick this checkbox to indicate whether the parent of the student has been contacted regarding the Pastoral Care entry.

The 'Parent Contacted' field can also be updated after this record has been saved:

  • By editing the PC Entry using this program, or

Parent Acknowledgement

Tick this checkbox to indicate whether the parent of the student has acknowledged the incident. 

The parent 'Parent Acknowledgement' field can also be updated by editing the PC Entry using this program.


Two options are available to attach a file to this PC Entry:

  1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

An example of this could be a more detailed report regarding this incident.

Show Automatic Notifications

Automatic Notifications are generated to other teachers and parents based on the 'Conduct' that you used for this PC Entry.

Click on this link to view who will be included in this automatic notification.

Notification options include email, SMS, and Notifications (to teachers in Staff Kiosk and parents in Parent Lounge). The email sent to teachers will contain a link that when clicked, will automatically redirect the user to the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen for this student in Staff Kiosk.

It may be possible to remove the automatic notification to the parents for this PC Entry (depending on your school's policy).

All communication (email, notification and SMS) generated from Staff Kiosk is recorded in a Communication Log.

Click here for more information on the Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Communication Log.

Notifications sent to Parent Orbit and Staff Orbit devices are visible via the ‘Communications Log’ in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Orbit Dashboard.

Show Parent Contact Info

Click here for more information.

The parent contact information displayed is determined by the 'Communication Rules' set up on the student records.

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

Administrator Note

Staff Kiosk uses the following rules that are set up on each student record in TASS.web:

Staff View

The Parent/Caregiver addresses that teachers will see when using Staff Kiosk.

Staff Correspondence

The Parent/Caregiver addresses that will be used when teachers generate correspondence to parents using Staff Kiosk.

Emergency Contact

The Parents/Caregivers who will be displayed as Emergency Contacts when accessing student medical information using Staff Kiosk.

A Parent/Caregiver must have the 'Staff View' rule to be displayed as an Emergency Contact.

A warning will be displayed if there are no 'Communication Rules' set up on the student record in TASS.web. You should advise your TASS System Administrator.

Click the 'Submit New' button to save this PC Entry to the database or the 'Cancel' button to return to the 'PC Entries' list screen.

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