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ACP - Email EP Remittances


There are two steps involved with the Email EP Remittances program:

  1. Create the EP Remittance emails.

  2. Send the EP Remittance emails.

Create EP Remittance Emails

If you have made electronic payments in the past, the database maintains a record of the date the payments were made so that remittance advices can be emailed to the suppliers.

To create an email, click on the 'Create' icon in the toolbar to display the 'Create EP Remittance emails' screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Payment Date

A mandatory field.

You must select a date from the drop-down menu for the specific date the electronic payment was made.

Once the emails for this date have been sent, they will no longer appear in this list.

Click on the 'Run' button to create the EP Remittance emails. A pop-up message will display 'Create EP Remittance emails complete (## emails created)'.

Click 'OK'.


In the case of General and Miscellaneous suppliers, the supplier must have a valid email address entered in the 'E-mail' field of 'Accounts Payable Contacts'. To verify this, search up the supplier at Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Information > Suppliers and check in the 'Contacts' tab.

If there is no email address entered, a pop-up message will display 'Suppliers (Supplier Code) have no email address set up. Please enter an email address and try again'.

The screen will return to the 'Create EP Remittance Emails' screen where you can select the bank account and payment dates again. Once you have created all the EP Remittance emails, you can then go to the 'Email EP Remittance Emails' screen by returning to Finance > Accounts Payable > Payment Cycle > Email EP Remittances.

Student Deposit Refunds

Student Deposit Refunds raise Invoices on a 'Refund' Supplier. This is configured in Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Deposit Refund Parameters by filling in the 'Supplier Code for Refunds' field.


There must be a valid email address entered in the 'Email 1' field and optionally a valid email address entered in 'Email 2' in the Address tab of the Parent program (Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry) using the Address Number (Add Num) defined in the EP Processing & Updates from PL (Finance > Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > EP Processing & Updates from PL).

Email EP Remittance Emails

If there are emails already created but not sent, the 'Create' button is no longer accessible in this screen. Instead, a list of the EP emails ready for sending displays with the number indicated on top.

Click the 'Delete' link in the 'Action' column to remove an EP from the list of remittance emails to be sent.

Once an EP has been deleted from the 'Email EP Remittances' list, use program Finance > Accounts Payable > Payment Cycle > Print Remittance Advices to manually generate a remittance to PDF.

Click on the 'Send' button on the top right to produce the pop-up message 'Proceed with bulk emails?'

Click on 'OK' to accept.

The 'ALERT' pop-up message indicates the number of emails sent successfully.

Click 'OK'.

The sender's email address is entered in Finance > Accounts Payable > Setup Information > Accounts Payable Setup in the 'EP Settings' tab. These can only be entered or edited in 'Edit' mode.

CCs of the emailed remittance advice are sent to the email address entered in Finance > Accounts Payable > Setup Information > Accounts Payable Setup in the 'EP Settings' tab. These can only be entered or edited in 'Edit' mode.

EP Remittance Triggered Email

A predefined system email template 'Electronic Payment Remittance' exists which, when the 'Send' button on the ‘Ep Email Remittances’ program is clicked, will automatically trigger an email to the supplier accounts payable contact. 

In the case of Student Deposit Refunds, the email or emails are taken from the Parent account. If multiple Parent emails are configured, multiple 'Electronic Payment Remittance' emails are sent.

The Electronic Payment Remittance Template is located in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'System Email Templates' tab.

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