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ACP - Print Remittance Advices


The Print Remittance Advices program is used to print remittance advice for suppliers. You would use it when a remittance is required for a hand-drawn cheque or for electronic payments where you are not using Finance > Accounts Payable > Payment Cycle > Email EP Remittances.

The screen displays the following tabs in a multi-tabbed layout: 'General' and 'Print'.

General Tab

There is only 1 mandatory field:

Transaction Type

Select 'Cheque' or 'Electronic Payment' from the drop-down menu.

By default, the 'Exclude Suppliers with email address' checkbox is ticked to save printing them unnecessarily. If you want to print remittance advices for these suppliers regardless, then untick the checkbox.

Other fields that require further explanation

Bank Code

Select the bank account being used for payment from the drop-down list. The 'Bank code' field will fill in automatically.

Cheque/EP Date

Use the 'date range picker' to select the period when the cheque was written or the electronic payment bank file was created, e.g. Cheques written between 01/06/2006 and 30/06/2006.

Cheque/EP Number

Use the 'number range picker' to select the range of cheque or electronic transaction numbers that you wish to print, e.g. Cheques between 100 and 150.

Tick the 'Exclude suppliers with email address' checkbox to exclude suppliers that you have paid by Electronic Payment and have sent the remittance advice by email.

Print Tab

Click on the 'Print Tab' to display the 'Print Remittances Advices' formatting options screen.

Select the 'Sort By' option you require and click the 'GO' button.

For suppliers that you have paid by Electronic Payment, you can elect to have their BSB and Account number print on the remittance advice by ticking the 'Print Supplier Bank Details' checkbox.

The remittance advices matching the search criteria will the screen in PDF format. This file can be saved, printed or emailed.


The email address, phone and fax that print on the remittance are determined by data in the corresponding fields in Finance > Accounts Payable > Setup Information > Accounts Payable Setup. If these setup fields are blank then the program uses the corresponding fields in Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

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