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1. Adding or Removing People by Entity

Click 'Entity' to add or remove people from a list based on their entities.

From the list of entities displayed, click the 'Add' or 'Remove' links to add or remove people from the list by the entity chosen.

For each entity type that you select the program will provide you with the corresponding entity search criteria fields (arranged in tabs), plus an extra tab for filtering on the person's Community UD data.

The system will only provide access to the entities based on your TASS.web permissions. If an entity option is disabled, it is because you do not have access to that Entity type within TASS.web.


This mode will enable you to add or remove 'Donors' based on the nominated criteria.

Selected fields in the 'General' and 'User Defined', 'Person UD' and 'Pledges and Donations' tabs allow multiple selections.

The date picker 'Calendar' icons displayed in the 'General' tab are date range pickers and allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All Donors with a 'Last Updated On' date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Employee (Current) and Employee (Past)

These options will allow you to add or remove people who are 'Current' or 'Past Employee' of the school from the list.

Selected fields in the 'General', 'User Defined' and 'Person UD' tabs allow multiple selections.

The 'Build' tab provides an additional filter for teaching or non-teaching staff.

Fields from the 'Employee' records 'General' and 'Address' tabs can be used as selection criteria to filter the people being added or removed. The fields on these tabs are described in the help for TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees.

The date picker 'Calendar' icons displayed in the 'General' tab are date range pickers and allow the entry of a date range, e.g. All employees with a 'Date of Birth' date between 01/01/1960 and 31/12/1979.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Parents (Current)

This mode will allow you to add or remove 'Current Parents' based on the nominated criteria.

Three possible search modes are available to determine the 'filters' that will become available to select the parents that will be added or removed from the list:

  1. Parent/Student mode search.

  2. Subject mode search.

  3. Extra-curricular mode search.

1. Parent/Student Mode Search

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Parent User Defined', 'Student', 'Student User Defined' or 'Person UD' tabs to select the parents to add or remove.

Fields that require additional explanation on the 'Build' tab

Primary Copy Address

Using the picklist to select an address block type, e.g. 'Correspondence'.

It's important to understand that when using this search option, the address block types are 'tied' to a specific person positions (traditionally, left and right in the parent record).


Address number 4 might be configured as 'person position 1' and be labelled 'Mothers Address' ('Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab). Filtering this way can limit your search results, especially where gender fluidity is to be considered, e.g. There maybe families with two mothers, or a mother might have been assigned to the 'person position 2' address block.

If you wish to extract all parent addresses associated with one or more specific gender types (e.g. Female), better to utilise the 'Use Person Position Address/Person Gender' filter combo below.

Use Person Position Address

Tick this option to generate a list based on an individual's 'person position' address (produces one row per person), e.g. For a family where two parents are defined, both 'Parent position 1' (the left address block on the Parent Record) and 'Parent position 2' (the right address block) will be output. 

'Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab.

When used in conjunction with the 'Person Gender' field, this option can be used to target specific combinations of address block and gender(s).

When this option is selected, the 'Primary Copy Address' will not be used (it will become unavailable).

This Address Only

Tick this option if you only want to filter for parents who have an entry in a particular address block. Choose the relevant address using either the 'Primary Copy Address' or 'Use Person Position Address' above.

When ticked, the system will only use the address block selected (above). If none exist, it will not provide a default address.

When not ticked, if no address block is selected (above) the address will default to the block configured for 'Parents' within TASS.web Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

Person Gender

This is a multi-select picklist used to filter by gender. Only parents of the selected gender(s) will be added to the list.

Can be used together with 'Use Person Position Address' to focus your results.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'Student' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

2. Subject Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to add or remove parents of students studying a particular subject, e.g. All year 11 English students.

Current student subject choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

The 'Print' tab will allow you to nominate the address block that will be used for the people being added to the list. The address block will default to the address block that is configured for parents within Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'Student' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

3. Extra-Curricular Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to add or remove parents for students who are involved in a particular extra-curricular activity, e.g. All year 11 students involved in the Choir.

Current student extra-curricular choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

The 'Build' tab will allow you to nominate the address block that will be used for the people being added to the list. The address block will default to the address block that is configured for parents within Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

For further information regarding the suggested methodology for setting up parent addresses in TASS.web, refer to 'Setting Up Parent Addresses in TASS.web'.

Parents (Enrolled)

This mode will allow you to add or remove 'Enrolled Parents' based on the nominated criteria.

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'General', 'Status', 'Student UD', 'Parent (Current) UD', 'Parent (Enrol) UD', or 'Person UD' tabs.

Fields that require additional explanation on the 'Build' tab

Primary Copy Address

Using the picklist to select an address block type, e.g. 'Correspondence'.

It's important to understand that when using this search option, the address block types are 'tied' to a specific person positions (traditionally, left and right in the parent record).


Address number 4 might be configured as 'person position 1' and be labelled 'Mothers Address' ('Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab). Filtering this way can limit your search results, especially where gender fluidity is to be considered, e.g. There maybe families with two mothers, or a mother might have been assigned to the 'person position 2' address block.

If you wish to extract all parent addresses associated with one or more specific gender types (e.g. Female), better to utilise the 'Use Person Position Address/Person Gender' filter combo below.

Use Person Position Address

Tick this option to generate a list based on an individual's 'person position' address (produces one row per person), e.g. For a family where two parents are defined, both 'Parent position 1' (the left address block on the Parent Record) and 'Parent position 2' (the right address block) will be output. 

'Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab.

When used in conjunction with the 'Person Gender' field, this option can be used to target specific combinations of address block and gender(s).

When this option is selected, the 'Primary Copy Address' will not be used (it will become unavailable).

This Address Only

Tick this option if you only want to filter for parents who have an entry in a particular address block. Choose the relevant address using either the 'Primary Copy Address' or 'Use Person Position Address' above.

When ticked, the system will only use the address block selected (above). If none exist, it will not provide a default address.

When not ticked, if no address block is selected (above) the address will default to the block configured for 'Parents' within TASS.web Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

Person Gender

This is a multi-select picklist used to filter by gender. Only parents of the selected gender(s) will be added to the list.

Can be used together with 'Use Person Position Address' to focus your results.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

For further information regarding the suggested methodology for setting up 'Parent Addresses' in TASS.web, refer to 'Setting up Parent Addresses in TASS.web'.

The 'Parent (Current) UD' tab is available to use for 'Enrolled Parents' who are also 'Current Parents'. The use of the (Current) and (Enrol) UD tabs is mutually exclusive. Therefore, when the 'Parent (Current) UD' tab is being used to filter your search, you should leave the 'Parent (Enrol) UD' tab clear (and vice versa).

Parents (Past)

This mode will allow you to add or remove 'Past Parents' based on the nominated criteria.

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Parent UD', 'Student', 'Student UD', or 'Person UD' tabs.

Fields that require additional explanation on the 'Build' tab

Primary Copy Address

Using the picklist to select an address block type, e.g. 'Correspondence'.

It's important to understand that when using this search option, the address block types are 'tied' to a specific person positions (traditionally, left and right in the parent record).


Address number 4 might be configured as 'person position 1' and be labelled 'Mothers Address' ('Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab). Filtering this way can limit your search results, especially where gender fluidity is to be considered, e.g. There maybe families with two mothers, or a mother might have been assigned to the 'person position 2' address block.

If you wish to extract all parent addresses associated with one or more specific gender types (e.g. Female), better to utilise the 'Use Person Position Address/Person Gender' filter combo below.

Use Person Position Address

Tick this option to generate a list based on an individual's 'person position' address (produces one row per person), e.g. For a family where two parents are defined, both 'Parent position 1' (the left address block on the Parent Record) and 'Parent position 2' (the right address block) will be output. 

'Person position' addresses are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses' tab.

When used in conjunction with the 'Person Gender' field, this option can be used to target specific combinations of address block and gender(s).

When this option is selected, the 'Primary Copy Address' will not be used (it will become unavailable).

This Address Only

Tick this option if you only want to filter for parents who have an entry in a particular address block. Choose the relevant address using either the 'Primary Copy Address' or 'Use Person Position Address' above.

When ticked, the system will only use the address block selected (above). If none exist, it will not provide a default address.

When not ticked, if no address block is selected (above) the address will default to the block configured for 'Parents' within TASS.web Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

Person Gender

This is a multi-select picklist used to filter by gender. Only parents of the selected gender(s) will be added to the list.

Can be used together with 'Use Person Position Address' to focus your results.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

For further information regarding the suggested methodology for setting up 'Parent Addresses' in TASS.web, refer to 'Setting Up Parent Addresses in TASS.web'.

Student (Current)

This mode allows you to add or remove 'Students' based on the nominated criteria.

Three possible search modes are available to determine the 'filters' that will become available to select the parents that will be added or removed from the list:

  1. Parent/Student mode search.

  2. Subject mode search.

  3. Extra-curricular mode search.

1. Parent/Student Mode Search

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Parent User Defined fields', 'Student', 'Student User Defined' or 'Person UD' tabs to select the students to add or remove.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'Student' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

2. Subject Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to add or remove students studying a particular subject, e.g. All year 11 English students.

Current student subject choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'Student' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year. 

3. Extra-Curricular Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to add or remove students who are involved in a particular extra-curricular activity, e.g. All year 11 students involved in the Choir.

Current student extra-curricular choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

Student (Enrolled)

This mode allows you to add or remove 'Enrolled Students' based on the nominated criteria.

The ‘Build' tab will allow you to nominate the address block that will be used for the people being added to the list. The address block will default to the address block that is configured for the respective mode in Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.
For further information regarding the suggested methodology for setting up Parent Addresses in TASS.web refer to 'Setting up Parent Addresses in TASS.web’.  

The program will provide a mode for selecting students by using any combination of fields on the 'General', 'Status', 'Student UD', 'Parent (Current) UD', 'Parent (Enrol) UD' or 'Person UD' tabs.

The 'Parent (Current) UD' tab is available to use for 'Enrolled Parents' who are also 'Current Parents'. The use of the (Current) and (Enrol) UD tabs is mutually exclusive. Therefore, when the 'Parent (Current) UD' tab is being used to filter your search, you should leave the 'Parent (Enrol) UD' tab clear (and vice versa).

Student (Non-Current)

This mode will allow you to add or remove 'Non-Current Students' based on the nominated criteria.

A 'Non-Current Student' is defined as a student who has a date of leaving on their record that has passed and does not as yet have a 'Past Student' record.

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Parent User Defined fields', 'Student', 'Student User Defined' or 'Person UD' tabs to select the students to add or remove.

Student (Past)

This mode will enable you to add or remove 'Past Students' based on the nominated criteria.

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'General', 'User Defined' or 'Person UD' tabs to select the past students to add or remove.

The 'Build' tab will allow you to nominate the address block that will be used for the people being added to the list. The address block will default to the address block that is configured for the respective mode in Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

Student (Re-Entering)

This mode will enable you to add or remove 'Re-Entering Students' based on the nominated criteria.

A 'Re-Entering student' is defined as a 'Student' who has a date of leaving on their record, and who has a 'Next Year Indicator' of 'Re-Entering', but who has not as yet been transferred into the 'Enrolments' module in TASS.web.

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Parent User Defined fields', 'Student', 'Student User Defined' or 'Person UD' tabs to select the students to add or remove.

The 'Build' tab will enable you to nominate the address block that will be used for the people being added to the list. The address block will default to the address block that is configured for the respective mode in Community > Setup Information in 'Address Settings'.

Teacher (Current) and Teacher (Past)

This mode allows you to add or remove teachers based on the nominated criteria.

The date picker 'Calendar' icons displayed in the 'General' tab are date range pickers and allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All teachers with a 'Last Updated On' date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.

Selected fields in the 'General' and 'User Defined', and 'Person UD' tabs allow multiple selections.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

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