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Setting Up Parent Addresses in TASS.web

This guide should be read in conjunction with the 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide.


This is the recommended address structure and these rules enable precise communication to parents and carers in split family and multi parenting arrangements. These rules are defined at a student-level so that a single student can be linked to multiple parent records.

For more details on how 'Communication Rules' are used, refer to the 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide.

Use of Address Blocks

You can use up to 20 address blocks in TASS.web.

You define and name these in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the ‘Addresses’ tab.

Firstly enter the number of addresses that your school will use on the 'Parents' tab and then indicate that the 'Default Address' will be address block 1 (the Correspondence Address).

Next, create descriptions for each address block on the 'Addresses' tab.

The recommended methodology is to create the following address blocks:

  1. Correspondence.

  2. Residential.

  3. Billing.

  4. Mother Correspondence.

  5. Father Correspondence.

  6. Mother Residential.

  7. Father Residential.

  8. Alternative emergency contact (if required).

Define which of these address blocks are able to be linked to the default address block (Correspondence) by using the 'Linkable to Default' box.

As a minimum you should make address blocks: 4 - Mother Correspondence and 5 – Father Correspondence linkable to the default address 1 – Correspondence.

Once the rules for allowable address linkages have been defined, functionality can then be used to ensure that sections of parent's address information are linked and maintained by the system. Examples of how this could be useful are described below in the description of address blocks; 4 - Mother Correspondence and 5 – Father Correspondence.

Recommended Usage of Address Blocks

1) Correspondence

This should be the main address that will be used for all mailing labels and merges for the family. 

This would either be:

  • The students' principal place of residence.

  • The parent's Post Office Box (where a parent has specified a PO Box as being their preferred means of receiving correspondence).

2) Residential

No details should be entered here except if the 'Residential' address is different from the 'Correspondence' address for the family.

3) Billing

No details should be entered here unless:

  • The 'Billing' name and address is different from the 'Correspondence' address for this family.

  • You use the emailing parent statement facility and you want to exclude this parent from receiving their statement via email. In this case, you would fill out all fields in this address block, for this parent, except the email field.


You should populate the 'Billing' address if you are using the inbuilt functionality to email parent statements or receipts, for parents who elect not to receive these documents via email. For these parents, you would need to have their 'Billing' address populated with the address where the document will be sent, but the 'Email 1' and 'Email 2' fields on that address block must be null.

When Statements or Receipts are generated for email, the software will use the following methodology to determine how and where each document will be sent.

  1. The system will first look to the 'Billing' address and if one exists, it then checks as to whether that address block has the 'Email 1' or 'Email 2' field populated.  If an email exists, then an email is generated. If there is no email address then a paper document is created.

  2. If there is no 'Billing' address for the parent, then the system will fall back to the default address and apply the same logic as indicated above to determine if the parent receives the document via email or paper. (If the Statement Address Hierarchy is used (Statements only), then the system will use the address hierarchy as defined at the time to determine the order of which address blocks will be used within the fall back process.)

4) Mother Correspondence and (5) Father Correspondence

You should make use of the linkage options when setting up and maintaining 'Mother Correspondence' and 'Father Correspondence' address blocks. This allows you to define the appropriate linkage for the 'Mother Correspondence' and 'Father Correspondence' address block back to the 'Correspondence' address. The table below provides examples of how these linkages would work for the three family types:

  • Nuclear Family.

  • 'Simple' Split Family.

  • 'Complex' Split family.

Field Name

Nuclear Family

'Simple' Split Family

'Complex' Split Family *

TASS Parent Record (1 only)

TASS Parent Record (1 only)

TASS Parent Record 1

TASS Parent Record 2


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block


Correspondence Address Block

Parent Name

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Address Line 1 to 3



Post Code


Address Barcode

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Home Phone

Bus phone


Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Mobile Phone 1

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Mobile Phone 2

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'



Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Email 1

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Email 2

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in


Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


* The 'Complex Split' family in the example directly above is based on the father being recorded on Parent Record 1 and the mother on Parent Record 2. It is also assuming that neither parent has notified the school of a new partner.

The example directly below would show the arrangement once a new partner has been added for the father:

Field Name

'Complex' Split Family * (with new partner added for father)

TASS Parent Record 1

TASS Parent Record 2

Mother Correspondence Address Block (New partner)

Father Correspondence Address Block

Mother Correspondence Address Block

Father Correspondence Address Block

Parent Name

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Address Line 1 to 3



Post Code


Address Barcode

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Home Phone

Bus phone


Link to 'Correspondence' if same numbers otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Mobile Phone 1

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Mobile Phone 2

Link to 'Correspondence' if same number otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'



Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in

Not Linkable must be keyed in


Email 1

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


Email 2

Link to 'Correspondence' if same address otherwise key in

Link to 'Correspondence'

Link to 'Correspondence'


The reasons for setting up and maintaining 'Mother Correspondence' and 'Father Correspondence' address blocks include:

  • The school will be able to produce target mailings (email or surface mail) that are correctly addressed to mothers only or fathers only.

  • The school will be able to take advantage of the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' on the student record to define:

    • If the mother and/or father's address is displayed to teachers in Staff Kiosk.

    • If the student lives with the mother and/or father.

    • If the mother and/or father is an emergency contact.

    • If the mother and/or father's address is available to teachers in various correspondence options in Staff Kiosk.

    • If the mother and/or father's address is available to administrators in various correspondence options in TASS.web.

    • If the mother and/or father is to receive student academic reports (Interim, Semester and Exit Statement).

    • If the mother and/or father is to receive SMS for absentee messages.

 Nuclear' Family

 'Simple' Split Family

 'Complex' Split family

Even though both parents live at the address entered in the 'Correspondence' address block, you should still set up and maintain 'Mother Correspondence' and 'Father Correspondence' addresses.

Use the linkage options so address and phone number changes only have to be entered once.

This will assist your school when producing targeted mail-outs with correct salutations (email or surface mail) to:

  • Both mother and father.

  • Mother only.

  • Father only.

Refer to the 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide for a detailed definition of a 'Simple Split'. However, in summary, 'Simple Split' is considered to be where:

  • The parents have split and have separate addresses, yet neither parent has notified the school of a new partner

  • There is no split billing arrangement in place for this family.

Therefore there is a single parent record.

Refer to 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide for a detailed definition of a 'Complex Split'. However, in summary 'Complex Split' is considered to be where:

  • The parents have split and either the mother or father has notified the school that they have a new partner

  • A 'blended' family has occurred.

This method of handling a split family involves having two or more parent records.

6) Mother Residential and (7) Father Residential

No detail should be entered here except if the residential address for the Mother or Father is different from the 'Mother Correspondence' or 'Father Correspondence' address.

8) Alternative emergency (Contact)

No detail should be entered here except if a family has nominated an alternative contact to use in the event of an emergency and this contact is not a parent. This alternative emergency contact can then be linked to student(s) through 'Communication Rules' on the student record.

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