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SLS - Reorder Report


The School Shop ‘Reorder Report’ program is used to produce either:

  • A report of all stock items that have a 'Quantity on Hand' less than the 'Reorder Point'.

  • A report for all stock items regardless of their 'Quantity on Hand' to 'Reorder Point' position.

By default, for each stock item it includes:

  • Purchasing unit of measure.

  • Total sales.

  • Year to date sales.

  • Last sale date.

  • Average cost.

  • Last cost.

  • Quantity on hand.

You can also elect to include:

  • Supplier.

  • Supplier item code.

  • Reorder point.

  • Minimum order quantity.

General Tab

Enter the 'Search Criteria' into the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report.

The 'Calendar' icons in the 'General' tab display date range pickers, these windows allow the entry of a date range, e.g. All stock records with a 'Last Sale Date' between 01/01/09 and 31/12/09.

The horizontal arrows next to fields 'Quantity on Hand' through to 'Minimum Order Qty' allow for the entry of a number range.

Print Tab

Sort By

You can sort this report by 'Stock Code' or 'Stock Description'.

Stock Selections

Include Stock based on Reorder Point only

The default for this report is to generate a report of all stock items that have a 'Quantity on Hand' less than 'Reorder Point'. Leave this radio button checked if you want to run the report this way.

Include all Stock selected

If you want to print this report for all stock items that you have selected on the 'General' tab, check this radio button.

Formatting Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours', 'Table Borders' and 'Include Hyperlinks'. These options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

You can also nominate to force a page break for each change in 'Stock Group' or 'Supplier'.

Print Supplier Code

Tick this checkbox to include the 'Supplier' code from the stock record for each stock item.

Print Reorder Point

Tick this checkbox to include the 'Re-order Point' from the stock record for each stock item.

Print Minimum Order Quantity

Tick this checkbox to include the 'Minimum Order Qty' from the stock record for each stock item.

Print supplier Item Code

Tick this checkbox to include the 'Supplier's Item Code' from the stock record for each stock item.

Click 'GO' to generate the report.

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