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SLS - Shop Trial Balance


The School Shop ‘Shop Trail Balance’ program allows you to generate a report providing:

  • Student account balances for this shop.

  • Student transactions for this shop.

It can be run as a student or a parent-based report. The parent-based version will include transactions for all students within the family who have transactions for this shop.

The report is available in summary or detailed format.

General Tab

Enter the 'Search Criteria' into the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report. A 'Transaction Cut-off Date' must be entered to generate the report.

Fields that require detailed explanation:

Student Code

Enter a valid student code or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To search for enrolled students:

  • the enrolled student record must be associated with a Parent Record stored in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.  For more information on transferring Enrolled Parents from the enrolment phase to a Parent Record, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Transfer to Current.      

  • the student’s enrolment status must meet or exceed the minimum enrolment status stage defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Enrolments’ tab. The Student Enrolment Status is set in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment information > Enrolments > Enrolled Student on the ‘Status’ tab.


Indicate if you want boarders included in the report.


Select a House Name.

Year Group

Select a Year Group.


Include a Campus.

Parent Code

Include a Parent Code

Parent Type

Include a Parent Type.

Transaction Cutoff Date

This field will display the date from which the report will be run. Transactions dated after this will not be included in calculating account balances. 

You would change this date to run the report as at the end of a previous accounting period.

In addition to the headings listed above, the report will show:

  • Invoices.

  • Receipts.

  • Credits.

  • Balance. 

Print Tab

Sort Options

The default is for the report to sort by 'Code'.

Alternatively, you can elect to sort by 'Surname'.

Formatting Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Word® or a screen with hyperlinks.

The 'Screen with Hyperlinks' format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to further information.

The report can be run in several formats:

  • Summarised student.

  • Summarised parent.

  • Detailed student.

Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. These options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

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