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How to Enable Single Touch Payroll

Once enabled, Single Touch Payroll cannot be disabled.




  • Task


System Admin > Utilities > TASS Software Updates

Ensure TASS.web has been upgraded to latest available release.

  • Complete


License STP Gateway API

The STP Gateway requires a unique licence.

To acquire a licence, please complete the STP Gateway Onboarding Form and send it to the TASS Sales Team.

TASS will install the licence and complete the onboarding process with the STP Gateway Provider, Ozedi.

Do not proceed until you have been notified by TASS staff that the onboarding process has been completed.

Contacts provided in the STP Gateway Onboarding Form' will receive a confirmation email from Ozedi when onboarding has been completed. No action is required for this email.

  • Complete


Watch Video

Watch 'How to Enable Single Touch Payroll' video.

  • Complete


System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance on the 'External APIs' tab

Click the 'View' link for the STP Gateway API then click the 'Edit' icon. Read the acknowledgement and then tick the checkbox 'Would you like to enable this API?'.

  • Complete


Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets

Ensure a pay run is not in progress and there are no timesheets loaded for any payrolls.

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Data Encryption' tab

Ensure the field 'Enable Payroll Data Encryption' has been ticked.

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Parameters' tab

Ensure the field 'Validate Tax File Numbers' has been ticked.

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'PAYG Setups' tab

Click the 'Edit PAYG' link and tick 'Enable Single Touch Payroll' checkbox.

Read, and when understood, acknowledge the warning message. Click 'Save' to complete the enabling of Single Touch Payroll.

If an exception report is produced, the exceptions in this report MUST be resolved before Single Touch Payroll can be enabled.

Very Important!

After you turn this on, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you promptly complete the remaining steps in this guide.

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup

Click the 'Check Payroll Setup' icon to check the current setups meet the ATO Single Touch Payroll requirements.

If an exception report is produced, the exceptions in this report MUST be resolved before starting the next pay run.

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Paycodes' tab

Review and adjust Allowance and Deduction paycodes that have a description in the 'Pay Summary Description (old)' field.

These may need to migrated to the new setup by selecting the appropriate 'Allowance Type' or 'Deduction Type'.

Export to Excel a listing of all Paycodes to review by clicking the 'Print' icon. In the 'Additional Fields' panel select:

  • Allowance/Deduction Type.

  • Other Allowance Description.

  • Pay Summary Description (old).

  • Complete


Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Paycodes' tab

Review and adjust Lump Sum A paycodes that have Lump Sum Payment set to “A”.

Check the 'Lump Sum A Type' flag as it may need to be changed from “R” to “T” depending on the purpose of the paycode.

Export to Excel a listing of all Lump Sum A Paycodes by clicking the 'Print' icon. In the 'Additional Fields' panel select:

  • Lump Sum Payment.

  • Lump Sum A Type.

  • Complete


Payroll > Employee Information > Employees

Tick 'Include Current Employees' and 'Include Terminated Employees' options and click 'GO'.

On the 'Payroll Employees List', click the 'Check Employee Data' icon to check the employee information meets the ATO Single Touch Payroll requirements.  

If an exception report is produced, the exceptions in this report MUST be resolved before starting the next pay run.

  • Complete


Watch Video

Watch 'Single Touch Payroll Processing' video.

  • Complete


System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions


System Admin > Users > User Maintenance

For each payroll user, assign the appropriate permission for the below security points:

  • Single Touch Payroll

  • Transmit STP Event to ATO

Role based permissions are easier to maintain in the long-term. Add these permissions to a Security Role to apply the permissions to multiple users.

  • Complete


Commence STP Reporting

Commence first STP pay run in TASS.web

  • Complete

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