PAC - Run Details
Direct Banking has been replaced by a Parent Lounge Payment Schedules facility.
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules is a self-serve solution for parents that includes tokenisation of their card and bank details and automatic processing of instalments including back end receipting and reconciliation.
Direct Banking is not available when Parent Lounge Payment Schedules has been enabled.
The level of user access to this program should be carefully considered as the information that is maintained should be kept secure. Although certain bank account and credit card information is stored in an encrypted form in the database, it is strongly advised that the EDIT permission for this program is carefully considered to ensure access to sensitive credit card numbers is protected.
For more information about using the new facility that has replaced this module see:
The Run Details program is used to search for previously generated direct banking records. You can 'Delete' a direct banking record for a parent where a receipt record has not been created for that record. Any record that has a number in the 'Rec Num' column will not have a 'Delete' link in the 'Action' column.
You would use this program to remove individual parent records before generating fee receipts where the bank has declined the direct debit.
Use the various filters on the 'Run Details Search' screen to narrow down the parent direct banking records. Particularly use the 'Receipts Generated' field with an 'N' to only display records for which a receipt has not been generated. This will give you all of the transactions that are possible to be deleted.