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STR - User Defined Tab (SU)


The ‘User Defined’ tab in Student Records Setup allows you to create custom User-Defined fields within the TASS database and record additional data that is not already captured in the software.

The field types available include:

  • Yes / No 'Flag Fields (1 to 10).

  • Table Referenced Fields (11 to 20).

  • Freeform Text Fields.

Student User Definable (UD) fields can also be set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Student UD’ tab.

User Definable data can be maintained:

  • For an individual student using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  • For multiple students using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students Grid Entry.

Click the 'Edit' button to add new fields or change the description of existing fields.


Use caution when deleting or changing Field Descriptions, as these entries are used throughout the system. Data saved in User Definable fields on student records will remain even if the Field Description is edited or removed and may cause an error.

Click on the 'Vertical Arrow' icons for positions 11 – 20 to add or edit the 'User Defined Reference Data'.

To add a new UD Reference Data option, enter up to 3 alphanumeric characters into the next empty 'Code' cell and fill in the 'Description' field. This will then activate the 'Create' button to save the new addition. The 'Cancel' button will then take you back to the 'User Defined Fields' screen.

User Defined Billing Flags

An additional 20 'Billing Fields' are displayed when opening the 'User Defined Billing Flags' collapsible panel.

'Student Billing Flags' are used in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup to 'fine-tune' the billing and discount rules used during the 'Auto Account Billing' process.

Initialise User Defined Fields

The 'Initialise User Defined Fields' allows you to make a bulk change to a nominated UD Field. This could be used to clear the data from all students' records for a UD Field that has become obsolete.


Use caution when making bulk changes to fields or clearing a field as it may affect records still using the changed/cleared field.

Fields that require detailed explanation

Field Number

Use the drop-down menu to select the UD Field that the bulk change will be made on.

Field Value

Enter or select the new value that will be inserted into each student's record.

Enterprise Mode Only

Where You Are in the Source Company

A message will be displayed at the top of the screen 'This is the Source Company for Enterprise mode'.

The 'User Defined' fields that you create and maintain here, will update all other companies that are Enterprise mode enabled (i.e. The other schools in your group).

Where You Are in an Enterprise Enabled Company That Is Not the Source Company

A message will be displayed at the top of the screen 'Enterprise Mode Enabled'.

Schools that are 'Enterprise Mode Enabled' (but not the 'Source Company') cannot maintain their own 'User Defined' fields; it must be done in the 'Source Company'.

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