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Employee/HR (EHR)


This module can be run as a stand-alone Employee/HR system or in conjunction with the TASS.web Payroll.

It provides the following functionality:

  • Employee records entered here can be linked through to teacher records. The linking is done using TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers. Thereafter, an address change recorded on the employee record will automatically be reflected on the teacher record.

  • A place where you can add non-teaching staff, particularly those for whom you wish to establish a Staff Kiosk login.

  • Employee qualifications and school definable Human Resource (HR) information can be entered and maintained through this module. Nine school definable HR data 'areas' with up to 26 fields in each; are available.

  • Employee professional development activities can be entered with a subsequent information flow through to teachers using Staff Kiosk.

  • A PD Certificate can be produced for employees.

  • A 'grid' style data maintenance tool is available to facilitate rapid review and editing of HR data across multiple employee records.

  • The notes facility in Employee/HR allows the categorisation of notes and the attachment of electronic documents (such as Word® or PDF documents). As an example, newspaper articles that are published about employees could be scanned and attached to the employee record.

  • A simple to use Word® merge or email facility is available to create targeted correspondence to employees.

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