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CP - Edit Relationships


To get to this facility you need to:

  1. Use the 'Person Search' screen to find the person you want to edit.

  2. On the 'Person Search Results' screen, click on the 'Relationship' link in the 'Action' column (next to the relevant person who you want to edit).

  3. This will build a 'Relationship' tree with the person at the centre of the tree.

  4. Click on the 'Edit Relationships' button on the person who is in the centre of the tree.

Person Relationships – Edit Mode

There are a number of functional icons available now available to be used for the person in the centre of the family tree.

Add New Relationship   

Click this icon to create a new relationship against the person in the centre of the tree. If you know the person number of the person you wish to relate, then enter it into the 'Person Number' field. If you do not know the 'Person Number' then you can use the 'Binocular' lookup option to find the person.

If the person you are wanting to relate does not already exist in the TASS.web database, (e.g. A sibling who attends another school) then click the 'New Stand Alone Person' checkbox and the system will provide you with the facility to create a new person (on the fly).

When adding a new 'Stand Alone' person, you should add them to a 'Role' so that the relationship that the person has with the school is defined, e.g. 'Siblings of Students who attend other Schools.

Once you have nominated or entered the details of the person to be related, you will then need to enter a relationship type. A 'Relationship Tag' or 'Relationship Comment' can also be entered to provide more detail regarding the relationship.

Relationship Types can only contain the 4 defined relationships above. Relationship Tags are able to created and maintained using Community Plus program Setup Information in 'Relationship Tags'.

Depending on the way that you add relationships, other relationships may be suggested to you.

Type of Relationship Defined

Extra Relationships automatically added

Sibling of the existing person

A sibling relationship with each of the existing person's siblings

Child of the existing person

A sibling relationship with each of the existing person's children

Parent of the existing person

No Extras

Partner of the existing person

No Extras

Remove all relationships for this person. Click this icon to delete all relationships for the selected person. It will not delete the person's associations.

Be careful when deleting relationships. Relationships that are deleted by accident cannot be undeleted.

View/Edit Person

Click this icon will display the person record. 

View/Edit Associations

Click this icon to add, edit or delete associations for the person.


Click this icon to 'Merge' the person with another person's record. (You would use this function if you found that there were two separate person records for the same person.) 

There are two icons available in each of the people related to the person in the centre. These functional icons relate to the relationship between that person and the person in the centre of the tree.

Delete Person Relationship

Click this icon to remove the relationship between the respective person, and the person who is positioned in the centre of the tree. A confirmation screen displaying the full details of the relationship will be displayed which must be 'Confirmed' before the relationship is deleted.

Caution is required when deleting relationships. Relationships that are deleted by accident cannot be undeleted.

Edit Relationships 

Click this icon to maintain the details of the relationship between that respective person and the person who is positioned in the centre of the tree. The information that can be maintained using this process is the Relationship Type, Relationship Tag and Relationship Comment.

Gender Representation

Each person (or entity) in the relationship tree is represented by a coloured square. A default light-grey background is used where no colour has been defined for their gender type.

Gender type background colours are maintained in Community Plus program Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.

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