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ATT - Rollcall History


Before attempting to use this program for the first time, it is recommended that you refer to ' How to Setup NSW Attendance Reporting'.

The Rollcall History program produces an Excel® file with details of student attendances over multiple days. It can be run for an individual student or for a group of students.

The Excel® file can be produced using two different layouts:

  1. Display Attendance Codes (General).

  2. Display Attendance Codes (NSW).

If you chose the 'Display Attendance Codes (NSW)' layout, the Excel® file is generated in the format required by Department of Education (DoE) NSW.

Display Attendance Codes (GEN — General)

This layout will include the rollcall history for the selected student(s) for a selected date range. The following codes will be displayed for each day for each student:


Type of Attendance




Absent from School.


Late Arrival or Absent for Morning.


Early Departure or Absent for Afternoon.


Absent for Part of Day.


Absent from Class (Lesson).


Multiple Absentee Types.


Other (non-standard) Absentee Types.

Selecting the 'Use Timetable Calendar' checkbox will display non-school days as blank entries for all student records. If this option is not selected it will show all students as present on those non-school days (if the timetable calendar has been set up correctly). For more information on how to set up the Timetable Calendar, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Calendar.

Display Attendance Codes (NSW)

This layout will include rollcall history for the selected student(s) for the selected date range, in the format required by DoE NSW.

The file contains a row for each student and a cell (or column) for each selected school day. 

The bottom line of each cell contains either:

  • A blank if the student was present for this day.

  • An 'a' if the student was absent from school. 

The student has an absentee record for that day containing the 'Absent from School' absentee type that is set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'General' tab.

  • A 'Pa' if the student has an absentee record other than 'Absent from School'. 

The student has an absentee record for that day containing either 'Absent for Morning', 'Absent for Afternoon', 'Absent for Lesson', 'Late Arrival', 'Early Departure' or 'Absent part day' that is set up in program TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'General' tab.

The top line of each cell contains the following when a student has an absentee record:

  • The first letter of the absentee reason code that was used for the absentee record.

For recommendations on the setup of reason codes, refer to How to Setup NSW Attendance Reporting.


It is imperative that the correct 'Absentee Reason' codes are set up before generating the 'Rollcall History' export in this mode.

Selecting the 'Use Timetable Calendar' checkbox will display non-school days as ¦ (double vertical lines) entries for all student records. If this option is not selected, it will show all students as present on those non-school days (if the timetable calendar has been set up correctly). For more information on how to set up the Timetable Calendar, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Calendar.

General Tab

If 'Use Timetable Calendar' was selected on the first screen, a valid timetable must be selected from the drop-down list.

To run the export for a single student, enter a 'Student Code', 'Start Date' and 'End Date'.

To run the export for a group of students, leave the 'Student Code' field blank and use the other fields on this tab to select the required student group.

In the 'Display Attendance Code (GEN)' mode, there is an option to 'Exclude Absentees with Acceptable Reason'. This will display students as 'present' when they have absentee records on a given day with acceptable absentee reasons.

Print Tab

This program will output to a Microsoft Excel® format.

The 'Print' tab is also used to format the file. Sorting options are available on the left side of the screen.

Use the checkboxes on the right side of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. These can enhance the readability of the file.

By default, the program will only include current students. Click the 'Include Non Current Students' field to include students who have already left (have a date of leaving of less than today).

Selecting the 'Include Non-Current Students' checkbox when using prior attendance dates will ensure a more accurate Rollcall History export file.

Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the Excel® file by highlighting them with a mouse-click. The 'Student Code', 'Given Name', 'Surname' and 'Year Group' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

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