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ATT - Attendance Periods Tab (SU)

Use this tab to nominate the start and end period for each attendance period within your school calendar. The attendance periods would normally correspond to either the school terms or semesters. Generally, you would exclude school holidays such as term and semester breaks.

Click the 'New Period' button to add a new period.

Fields that require further clarification

Year / Period

Enter a calendar year and attendance period, e.g. 2016, 1.


The description of this field has been determined by your school as set up using Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.


Example: Semester 1 - 2016.

Start Date/End Date

To define this attendance period. You can have one period per term or semester or any combination that suits your school.


It is important that the end date of one period does not overlap the start date of a subsequent period.

The next tab you should complete during your initial setup is 'Absentee Types' tab.

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