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ACR - Reporting Info Tab

This tab displays 'Header and Footer Info' and 'Signatory Details' that could appear in TASS.web Customisable Reports and custom academic reports.

Your school will be advised of the use of these fields by a TASS.web consultant during the analysis phase of your custom reporting project.

Refer to the help on the TASS.web Customisable Reports for information on specific settings.

The TASS.web Customisable Reports include:

  • Interim Report.
  • Student Report.

  • Exit Statement.

  • Student Comparative Report (Teacher Kiosk).

Signatory Details

The 'Signatory Details' panel is where the names, job titles and signatures of Principals or HODs can be stored. Up to 8 'Signatory Lines' can be entered.

Signature images in JPEG, GIF, BMP and PNG file formats are supported.

To alter a Signatory Line, click 'Edit' on the respective 'Signatory Line'. An attachment containing a signature can be uploaded against each 'Signatory Line' by selecting the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file.

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