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ACR - Custom Reports


Each custom academic report is designed and built specifically for each customer, based on their requirements and report sample provided by the customer at the commencement of the project. Programming of custom reports is a chargeable project and time is charged out at the standard TASS hourly rate.

Before deciding on building a custom report, consideration should be made regarding the usability of the TASS.web Customisable Reports. The TASS.web Customisable Reports are included in the Academic Reporting module and can be used at no additional cost to your school. The TASS.web Customisable Reports are flexible reports packed with features and options. 


The hotline support agreement does not cover custom academic reports (calls to the hotline regarding the use of custom reports could be chargeable). Support for the TASS.web Customisable Reports are covered under the hotline support agreement.

Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.

Each TASS.web academic report may have 3 delivery options:

  1. Export to PDF.

  2. Deliver to email where possible.

  3. Publish to the Web.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to this program is regulated by the ‘CUSTOM Reports’ permission point. This user security permission can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

Export to PDF

Exporting to PDF will allow you to print the reports to any printer connected to your local desktop PC. PDF will also enable you to save a copy for printing later (i.e. reprints for lost reports or for backup reasons).

Deliver to email where possible

This option will allow the school to automatically email the academic reports to parents based on the parent's email address stored in the default address block. The system will generate the reports to PDF for those parents who do not have an email address.

You will need to specify the Sender Email, CC Email, and Subject Text in the Reporting Parameters.

Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reports > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Reporting Parameters' tab.

Publish to the Web

Will provide two aspects for publishing Academic Reports:

  1. Each academic report will be published (or backed up automatically) to the TASS document management system (TASS.doc). This will easily allow a report to be reprinted in the future by providing a powerful search engine to quickly find a generated report for a particular student for a particular reporting period.

  2. Publishing to the Parent Lounge portal will allow parents to download their student's academic reports in PDF format. Parents can only download their own child's report. The school can also control which reporting periods are available to download reports or access result information by toggling the Internet access flag for the respective reporting period.

Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reports > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Results Periods' tab.

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