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Installation and Migration Services (Self-Hosted)


The TASS Installation and Migration Service is a turn-key solution for self-hosted schools to get TASS up and running or migrated to new servers. Every school’s infrastructure is different, and our technical experts will get not only TASS up and running but ensure optimum performance and stability for your school.

Because every school’s infrastructure is different, we don’t have an instruction guide we can provide. Instead, we offer a fixed price installation and migration service. In summary, you provide us with access to a Windows server, and we do everything necessary to get TASS up and running.  

For schools who wish for us to look after the hosting but also proactive monitoring and maintenance of TASS, we offer cloud hosting services.

Booking an Installation or Migration

To book in an installation or migration, please contact our Technical Services team by creating a technical support request


$1650 ex GST

Service Scope

As part of a new installation or migration, the following will take place:

  • Supply and installation of Adobe ColdFusion and the underlying Java platform with all relevant patches and configuration.

  • Installation and configuration of an IIS web server.

  • Installation of an SSL/TLS certificate.

  • Installation of a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server with all relevant patches and configuration.

  • Creation, restoration of a configuration of a TASS database with relevant performance enhancements and basic maintenance plan.

  • Performance tuning of the TASS product and underlying web application and database stack.

  • Setup/migration of data including LMS and TASS.doc repositories.

  • Configuration/migration of server settings, such as email relay.

  • Security configuration (including Windows Firewall).

  • Staging migration to allow for your school to test prior to a final cutover. 

  • Testing and quality assurance.

  • Internal documentation of server configuration.

While we are happy to provide general guidance where we can, the following is outside of scope:

  • Reconfiguration of LDAP and SAML.

  • External firewalls and network infrastructure.

  • Procuring an SSL/TLS certificate.

  • Procuring licensing for third-party software (eg SQL Server).

  • Configuring external systems to access your TASS database.

  • Installation, activation, and configuration of Windows Server (outside of what is required to install the TASS software).

Hardware and Software Requirements

Please see our System Requirements page for details. 

Reach out to us to confirm specific hardware requirements for your school. Our technical team can review your current setup and usage profile and provide specific recommendations. 

If you wish to install SQL Server yourself, the Server Collation must be set to Latin1_General_CI_AS and mixed authentication mode must be enabled.

Remote Access Requirements

These services are conducted remotely, and remote access will be required. For details on our remote access and support requirements, please contact our Technical Services team by creating a technical support request


To ensure your installation or migration is a success, we must have access to your server and have confirmed that all pre-requisites at least one week before your final cutover outage window. 

Please discuss your preferred outage window for the final cutover when making your booking. We generally require a minimum of two hours for us to complete the final cutover and our internal testing, and during this time, TASS will be inaccessible. You may wish to allow additional time to complete your own testing of the product and external integrations. 


Please review the below items to make your installation or migration a success:

Pre-Installation Checklist

Before handing a server over to us for an installation or migration, please double-check that these requirements are met:

  • Web and database servers have been created.

  • Adequate disk space has been provisioned based on current and future database and TASS.doc/LMS repository requirements.

  • Windows updates installed (and post-update reboots have been completed).

  • Microsoft SQL Server installation media supplied (ISO file on the database server is fine) or SQL Server is installed and all updates have been applied.

  • Remote access configured (via Microsoft Remote Desktop as per remote access requirements).

  • TASS support account(s) created with administrator access to servers and databases, and all necessary credentials supplied (eg RD, server admin accounts, SQL, etc).

  • Domain name selected (eg and provided to TASS.

The domain names used for TASS internally and externally must be the same. This is because the TASS application needs to know how to refer to itself. This may require creating a DNS record on the local network which refers to the TASS web server's internal IP address. 

  • DNS configured internally and externally.

  • SSL certificate sourced from trusted/reputable certification authority in PKCS12 (PFX) format ready for installation (password provided if required).

  • Firewall configured for internal and external access over HTTPS (TCP port 443). Note that custom ports are not supported. Also note that starting with v49, connection requests via HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS.

  • Mail server configuration supplied to TASS - review our Mail Server Requirements article for more information.

  • Migration window confirmed with TASS and staff/students/parents advised of the outage.

Post-Installation Checklist 

  • Ensure that you can log on to all products.

  • Update LDAP or SAML configuration if required.

  • Test access both internally and externally.

  • Update LMS repository path in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Setup Parameters.

  • Configure a backup strategy - review our backup guidance article for more information. 

Note: for new customers, your TASS Project Facilitator will reach out to you to discuss the next steps once TASS has been installed. 

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