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wB - Final Results Calculation (Numeric)

webBook will be discontinued from the January 2025 release (version 60.01.200).

Please switch over to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook or Assessment > Enter Results and Comments if you haven't already.

Allocating Calculation Rules for Final Results (Numeric)

In order for the Markbook to be able to calculate 'Final Results' (based on raw scores and Objective weightings entered against Activities), a 'Calculation Rule' needs to be assigned for each Objective

To set up rules for 'Final Results' click the 'Calculation Rule' button in the 'Final Results' column.

… and a screen similar to this will be displayed:

  • Step 1 — Select the Objective(s) to assign the rule against.
  • Step 2 — Select the rule called 'Numeric Range'. 
  • Step 3 — Click the 'Allocate' button to assign the rule and return to the Markbook.

Calculating Final Results (Numeric)

If the Objective has an assigned 'Calculation Rule', a 'Calculate' link will be available at the top of the column. Click this to calculate 'Final Results' for this Objective.

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