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TT - Import Student Subject Data


The Import Student Subject Data program is designed to load student subject data from external timetabling packages into the TASS.web.


If the 'Use subject/class translations' flag in program Student Admin > Timetable > External Interface > Define Import Format on the 'General' tab is set to 'Yes', then the subject/class translations must be predefined using program Student Admin > Timetable > External Data Interface > Define Subject / Class Translations before running this program.

Fields that require detailed information:

Import Student Subject Data

Year of Study

This will default to the 'Current Year' as set up in program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable' tab.

You can change the 'Year of Study' if you are importing student subject data for next year.

Current Term/Semester

This will default to the 'Current Semester or Term' as set up in program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable' tab.

You can change 'Current Term/Semester' if you are importing student subject data for next Semester/Term.

Date of Entry Cut Off

This field will default to today's date. 

You can change this to a future date so that subject data will be imported for students who have a 'Date of Entry' up to and including the date that you enter.

For example, you are running the procedure on January 10th and need to include current students plus those who are entering the school on January 22nd.

Total number of fields

This is the total number of fields in your upload file. This is determined by the external generation package.

The number of fields has been known to change between versions from external generation package vendors.

If you aren't sure about the number of fields, use notepad to open and check the file before importing.

Import File

The file generated by the external timetable package. This may be saved locally on your own workstation or somewhere on the network.

A 'Choose File' button is included that will display a file selection dialogue box, enabling you to locate this file on your network or workstation. If you cannot locate it, you may need to refer to your system administrator for the file location before proceeding.

File Format

The file format used by your external timetabling package. The options available will depend on the package:

  • Timechart® Format.

  • Timetabler® Format.

Import Option

These options determine how any pre-existing data will be processed in the import process. This can be any one of the following options:

  1. Preserve existing data — This option will only add new subject records that do not already exist for each student.

  2. Overwrite existing data with new data — This option will overwrite any existing data with new data. It will also add new subject records that do not already exist for each student.

Option 2 differs from option 3 (below) in that existing records in TASS.web that are not referenced in the upload file will remain unchanged in the TASS.web database.

  1. Remove all existing and create new — This option will initially delete all subject records for the chosen year and term/semester for each student in the import file, and will then upload the new subject records.


This option should NOT be used for a year and term/semester where student results and/or comments have already been entered.

  1. Remove all existing EXCLUDING non-timetabled —This will remove all existing subject records, excluding those that are non-timetabled.


Each row in the import file will be cross-referenced against the TASS.web student codes and valid subject/class translations before being uploaded. Invalid rows will NOT be imported, and an exception report will be generated with detail of the records failing the validation process.

Exclude Subjects with a Date Range - the upload process will NOT delete subject records that have a date range.

The 'Date to' and 'Date from' for a subject must both be populated.


This option is only available when 'Remove all existing EXCLUDING non-timetabled' radio button has been selected.

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