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TER - Daily Substitutions - Leave Report

The Teacher Leave Report program enables you to generate a report of the teacher leave for a given day. With this program you can generate a PDF, Word or Excel file. You generate the report by selecting the 'Print' button at the top of the screen and the content of the report is detailed below. 

Fields that require detailed information

Sort By

This sorts the list of information included in the report. You can sort by these options:

  • Teacher Code
  • Teacher Name
  • PC/Tutor Group
  • Percent of Day Absent
  • Reason
  • Substitution Status
Export To

This sets the type of report to generate. You have these options:

  • Export to PDF
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to Word
Show Table Borders

This includes borders in the table formatting on the report.

Alternate Row Colours

This displays alternate colours for each row in the table displayed on the report.

Include Period Details

This provides a detailed report and includes information about each period.


This sets the report to display either in portrait or landscape orientation.

Additional Fields

This includes additional information in the report. This is split into two sub-headings:

The ‘Teacher Info’ section appears first and includes these options:

  • Teacher Department
  • Teacher Mobile
  • Teacher Email

The ‘Teacher User Defined’ section populates with the User Defined fields set up for teacher records.

CloseWhen clicked, close the ‘Daily Substitutions – Leave Report’ modal screen and return focus to the Daily Substitutions screen.
GoWhen clicked, close the ‘Daily Substitutions – Leave Report’ modal screen and generate the Teacher Leave Report.

Report Content

Column Name



This is the abbreviated description of the leave records timetable.


This is the date of leave in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Tch Code

This is the teacher code of the teacher on leave.

Teacher Name

This is the name of the teacher on leave.


This is the Pc/Tutor Group of the teacher on leave.

Percent of Day Absent

This is the number of hours the teacher is absent for divided by the number hours in the day.


This is the description of the leave reason.

Substitution Status

This will display a status of either:

  • Complete - when a substitute has been allocated
  • Outstanding - when a substitute is required and hasn't been allocated
Teacher Department

This is the description of all the departments for the teacher on leave.

Mobile Phone

This is the mobile phone number of the teacher on leave from their employee record.


This is the email address of the teacher on leave from their employee record.


This is the description of the period being substituted


This is the period start and end time in the format:
[prd_start] – [prd_end] e.g. “08:30AM - 10:27AM”

Substitute Teacher

This is the name of the substitute teacher


This indicates whether the period being substituted has been timetabled and will be either 'No' or 'Yes'


This displays the teaching load of the period as defined in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable setup on the 'Periods' tab.

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