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SLS - Print Invoices and Credits


The School Shop ‘Print Invoices and Credits’ program is used to generate printed invoices or credits for customers of this shop, including:

  • Students.

  • Commercial Customers.

  • Departments.

Click on any of the links in the following table to view an example:

Student Invoice: Studentsale.pdf

Student Credit: Studentcredit.pdf

Commercial Invoice: commercialsale.pdf

Commercial Credit: commercialcredit.pdf

Department Invoice: departmentsale.pdf

Departmental Credit: departmentcredit.pdf

Cash Docket (multiple payments): Cash_Docket_Multiple_Payments.pdf

Cash Docket (change given): Cash_Docket_Change.pdf

Fields that require detailed explanation

Printed Status

To print new invoices or credits only, select 'Not Printed' in the 'Printed Status' drop-down list.

If you want to reprint an invoice or credit, choose 'All Specified' or 'Already Printed.'

Invoice/Credit Date

Use the date range picker to enter a single or range of dates to use as selection criteria.

Invoice/Credit Number

Use the number range picker to enter a single or range of Invoice/Credit number.

If you have selected to search for a student invoice or credit, the following additional selection fields are available:

Student Code

You would enter a student code here to print a single or range of invoices for a single student.

This field should be left blank if you intend to use any of the fields below to determine a range of students.

Boarder, Year Group, House and Campus

Use these fields as selection criteria to determine the range of invoices/credits to print.

Print transferred Invoices

This flag can be used as a selection criterion If this shop has been set up so that student sales are passed through to the Parent Accounts module (refer to 'School Shop Setup').

The transfer is run through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Shop Billing. All outstanding transactions from this shop on each students' ledger will be consolidated and posted as a single transaction (using this fee code) on to the parent's account.

Parent Account Batch

You can use this field as a selection criterion to print this shop's invoices/credits that make up a parent account batch.

If this checkbox is unticked, you will only get transactions that have not been transferred.

The 'Print' tab allows you to specify the order in which the invoices/credits are to be printed.

Click 'GO' to generate the report.

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