PR - PAYG Setups Tab (SU)
The ‘PAYG Setups’ tab in Payroll Setup is used to enter information for PAYG electronic reporting of Payment Summaries to the ATO.
This tab has a separate edit function. This has been done to allow the editing of this information to be controlled by a separate security point. You must click the 'Edit PAYG' icon to be able to make changes.
Fields that require further explanation | |
ABN/WPN Type | Use this field to indicate if this payroll company is to be run as an: A – ABN (Australian Business Number). W – WPN (With Holding Payer Number). |
ABN/WPN Number | If the field above is set to 'A' then the ABN must be entered in the format “NN NNN NNN NNN”.If the field above is set to 'W' then the WPN must be entered as a 9 digit number proceeded by two leading zeros. |
Branch Number | If your school has been issued with a 3 digit ABN Branch Number, enter it here. Otherwise, this value must be set to 001. If you have nominated 'WPN (With Holding Payer Number) in the fields above then this field must be '000'. |
Registered Name | This is the Registered Business Name for this payroll company |
Trading Name | This is the Trading Name for the business. Leave blank if same as 'Registered Name'. |
Contact Person | The name of the contact person for PAYG inquiries from the ATO. |
Contact's Phone | The phone number for the 'Contact Person' entered directly above. |
Contact's Fax | The facsimile number for the 'Contact Person' entered above. |
Contact's Email | The email address for the 'Contact Person' entered above. |
ETP Cap Amount | Employment Termination Payments up to this amount are taxed at the concession rate. You must enter the published ETP Cap amount as published by the ATO for the current tax year. |
Enable Single Touch Payroll |
Once Single Touch Payroll has been enabled, it can't be disabled. Before you tick this checkbox, it is essential that you have reviewed the How to guide How to Enable Single Touch Payroll. After you tick this checkbox, it is VERY important that you promptly complete all of the steps in this guide. This checkbox will be disabled if the Single Touch Payroll Gateway has not been configured in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance. |
Enable STP Phase 2 |
Once STP Phase 2 has been enabled, it can't be disabled. Before you tick this checkbox, it is essential that you have reviewed the How to guide How to Enable Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2)' After you tick this checkbox, it is VERY important that you promptly complete all of the steps in this guide. |
Address Details | These address details are included in the PAYG electronic reporting of Payment Summaries to the ATO. |
Postal Address | Enter postal address information if different to physical address information. These address details are included in the PAYG electronic reporting of Payment Summaries to the ATO. |
Because this tab has its own edit facility, you will need to click the 'Save' button before moving to another tab.