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PAR - Parents Tab (SU)


The 'Parents' tab in the Parent Records Setup allows you to format each parent's unique code and set default parameters for their addresses.

Fields that require detailed information

Parent Code Format

This is the format for each parent record's unique parent code.

A maximum of 8 characters that can be made up of Alphabetic and/or Numeric values (A = Alphabetic; 9 = Numeric; X = Alphanumeric). The system will validate the length and type of code.


100001, 100002 etc.


BELL101, SMIT101 etc.


JONE101, SMITH01 etc.




BELL01, 100001 etc.


This field cannot be changed once entered.

TASS recommends the use of a straight numeric code with 'Auto Numbering' enabled, e.g. 999999.

Auto Numbering

Set this to 'Y' where you would like TASS.web to automatically number each new 'Parent Code' for you. A unique system maintained 'Parent Code' will be issued for each new Parent record.


This feature can only be used where the Parent Code only consists of numeric characters, e.g. 999999.

Next Parent Code

This is a system maintained field, which indicates what the next 'Parent Code' will be. This field is only used when 'Auto Numbering' is enabled.

When setting up new school parameters this field is entered as the 'Parent Code' for the first Parent record in the system.

Number of Addresses

This field displays the number of address descriptions that will be available for use in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.


The maximum number of address blocks available is 20.

Default Address

This field displays the code of the address that will be used as the default parent address block. An asterisk will be displayed beside the default address in the 'Address' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.

The default address can also be used as search criteria in search screens in 'Parents'.

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