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MER - Asthma Management Tab


The Student Medical ‘Astham Management’ tab is used to view and edit specific details relevant to a student's Asthma condition.

It is only active when the student has been defined to have asthma in the 'Medical Conditions Tab' which is set up in Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

The 'Medical Condition' that is set up for asthma must be defined as the 'Default Asthma Code' in Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup for this tab to be active.

Viewing and Editing Asthma Management Information

The tab is divided into three management areas:

  1. Usual Signs.

  2. Worsening Signs.

  3. Triggers.

Place a tick in the box next to the symptoms relevant to that student. You may also enter extra details into the 'Other' text fields.

Example: 'Other Triggers'  Students condition is particularly bad after rain.

Click the 'Save' button in the bottom right of the tab to save your selections.

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