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TER - Process Interview Requests


The Process Interview Requests program will only need to be run if (for Allocating Appointments) your PTI conference is being run using:

  • Method 1 — Parent Preference Order and Teacher Subject Weightings, or

  • Method 2 — Appointments Allocated on a First in First Served Basis.

For more information on the three possible methods, refer to 'arent Teacher Interviews.

This program converts parent interview requests into allocated bookings for interview conferences running appointment allocation methods 1 and 2.

The program can only be run once for each PTI conference. Therefore, there are checks built into the program to ensure that the program is not run before the 'Parent Bookings Close' date/time.

General Tab

Process Interview Requests

Fields that require detailed information


Use the drop-down list to select the PTI conference for which the interview requests will be processed.

Only PTI conferences for which requests have not yet been processed will be available in this drop-down list.

Interview Conference Summary

Allocated Appointment Bookings

The number that is displayed in this field represents parent interview bookings that have been made manually by an administrator using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interview > PTI Conferences or by a Teacher using Staff Kiosk.

The bookings that are entered this way will not get overwritten when the 'process interview request' program is run.

Unprocessed Teacher Requests

The figure that is displayed in this field is the total number of teacher interview requests (that an administrator using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interview > PTI Conferences or by a Teacher using Staff Kiosk has entered), e.g. The teacher wants to see the parent regarding a student's performance.

Unprocessed Parent Requests

The figure that is displayed in this field is the total number of parent interview requests for this conference that have not been processed into an allocated interview booking.

Click the 'GO' button to process the interview requests into bookings for this conference.

Process Interview Requests Logic

This section of the documentation summarises the way that the program processes interview requests under the two relevant methods.

Method One – Parent Preference Order and Teacher Subject Weightings

The hierarchy for determining preferences is:

  1. Teacher requests (where the teacher or administrator has indicated that they want an interview with a particular parent)

  2. Parent request priority (as entered by the parent in Parent Lounge).

  3. Teacher subject priority (as entered by the teacher in Staff Kiosk).

  4. Parent booking time (as entered by the parent in Parent Lounge).

Method Two – Appointments Allocated on a First-In First-Served Basis

The hierarchy for determining preferences is:

  1. Teacher requests (where the teacher or administrator has indicated that they want an interview for a particular parent)

  2. Parent booking time (as entered by the parent in Parent Lounge).

  3. Parent request priority (as entered by the parent in Parent Lounge).

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