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How to Reverse Auto Account Billing

The following checklist explains how to reverse an Auto Account Billing batch. 


Menu Path




TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Auto Account Billing

Go to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Auto Account Billing.

Locate the Auto Account Billing batch that you would like to reverse and take note of the ‘batch number’.  This batch contains all charges/credits applied to the Billing Period.

Batch Number: ____________



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits

Go to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits.

Enter the ‘Batch Number’ (from Step 1) into the Search Criteria section, ‘Batch Number’ field and click ‘GO’.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits

TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry

Select a number of Parent Accounts from the batch to use as a crosscheck data afterwards and ensure you are satisfied with that all charges/credits have been reversed in Step 8 below.

Note the Parent Code, along with the total amount of Charges and Credits in the batch.

Then go to TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry > select Parent Account > ‘Ledger’ Tab and take note of the current 'Ledger Transactions' Balance.

Use the following table to record the data you will need to refer to when crosschecking later.

Parent Account 1

Parent Account 2

Parent Account 3

Parent Account 4

Parent Code:

Total amount of ‘Charges’ in the batch:

Total amount of ‘Credits’ in the batch:

'Ledger Transactions' Balance:



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits

Click the ‘Print’ icon (at top of the screen).  Select ‘Export to Excel’ and click ‘GO’. 

Open the export and reformat the Excel file columns to confirm with the file format used in the 'Upload Charges and Credits' program.  Refer to the ‘Upload Charges & Credits’ article on Knowledge Base for file format information. 



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits

In the Excel file, update the ‘Trans. Type’ column data, to reflect the reverse transaction type.


To REVERSE the charges and credits, the transaction type must be reversed.  For example: all charges (type 1) are to be changed to credits (type 3) and all credits (3) and to be changed to charges (1). This is the ONLY change to the data contents that need to be made.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Charges & Credits

Ensure the Excel file format is the correct as per the ‘Upload Charges & Credits’ article on Knowledge Base

Save the Excel file in .CSV format (NOT CSV UTF-8).



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Upload Charges and Credits

Go to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Upload Charges and Credits.

Upload the .CSV file and take note of the ‘Batch Number’.

Batch Number: ____________



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions

Go to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions.

In the ‘Flagging Selections’ section, tick the ‘Flag Transactions’ checkbox.  Leave the other checkboxes unticked.

In the ‘Flagging Criteria’ section, ‘Charge/Credit Batch’ field, select the TWO batch numbers that you took note of above.  (the original from Step 1 and the upload from Step 7).

Click ‘GO’ to flag the transactions so they do not appear on the Parent Statements.



TASS.web Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry > select the account > ‘Ledger’ tab.

Go to TASS.web Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry > select the account > ‘Ledger’ tab.

Use the Parent Accounts from Step 3 to crosscheck a number of Parent Account balances and ensure that all charges/credits have been reversed. 

Also check that the original billing transactions and reversal transactions are flagged so they will not appear on Parent Statements.



TASS.web Finance > Period End > Post Period Activity

All transactions must be posted via TASS. web Finance > Period End > Post Period Activity.   This can be done immediately or according to your usual practice.

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