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PAC - Post Period Activity

This program creates General Ledger journal batches for all processing in the Parent Account Ledger since this program was last run and passes these journal batches to the G.L.

It would normally be an end-of-month procedure to run this program, however, it may be run more often if required.


Fees transactions can not be edited after this posting has been run.

The following journals are created by this program:

Cash Receipts Journal

          DR                    Cash at Bank

          CR                    Debtors Control

          CR                    Other Income Accounts

          CR                    (GST if applicable for sundry receipts)

Fees Journal (charges)

          DR                    Debtors Control

          CR                    Income Accounts

          CR                    (GST if applicable)

Fees Journal (credits)

          DR                    Income Accounts

          DR                    (GST if applicable)

          CR                    Debtors Control

The periods that require posting will be displayed on the screen.

Click on the 'Post' link next to the period to initiate the post.

You can post all Parent Accounts transactions for a year/period combination or use the 'Users' drop-down list to only post transactions that have been entered by one or more users.

Click the 'GO' button.

A posting report will be created detailing the general ledger accounts affected by this posting.


The posting will not process unbanked receipts for the year, period and user combination that you are attempting to post. You will need to complete a banking using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Receipting > Bank Deposit Report for the year, period and user combination.

It will still post charges and credits for the year, period and user combination.

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