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Adding a New Daily Notice

Click the 'New' button to display the 'Add Daily Notice' screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Event Name

Up to 40 characters.

Event Category

'Event Categories' are pre-defined by your school in Staff Kiosk program Calendar > Event Categories (Setup).


Indicates the school campus that this notice belongs to.

Event Description

Up to 4000 characters

Event Resource

Indicates the room or facility the event will be held in (where applicable).

Resources can be:

  • Rooms that are setup through TASS.web program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

Check Existing Use

If this box is ticked you will be advised (when the notice is saved) if the Event Resource is already in use in either the calendar or timetable. 

This is only a warning and will not prevent the notice from being saved.

Event Start/End Dates

Use these fields to indicate the calendar day(s) that this notice will be displayed.

Event Start/End Times

Use these fields to indicate the times that this notice will be displayed.

All Day Event

Tick this field to indicate that the duration of this notice is an entire day, i.e. there are no start/end times.

Repeat Event Type

Allows the notice to be set up with a recurrence, e.g. Weekly for the next 10 weeks. 

Once a repeat event type has been selected, additional fields that relate to that recurrence type will be displayed.

Select Year Group/s

Indicates the year groups that this notice will be displayed for. This field is optional and single or multiple year groups can be selected.

If you enter a year group(s) against notices, then respective users (Teachers, Parents and Students) will be able to filter their view to display notices that relate specifically to their year group(s).

Event Visible In

Indicates the portal products that the notice will appear in. 

  • School Calendar:
    By checking all the boxes the notice will be available to all users in Parent Lounge, Staff Kiosk, Student Café, and the Public Calendar.

  • Daily Notices:
    By checking all the boxes the notice will be available to all users in Parent Lounge, Staff Kiosk, Student Café, and the Public Calendar.

When a daily notice has a year group(s) defined, parents will only be able to see the daily notices that match the year group(s) of their students.

Website Link

Enter a Website address into the 'URL' field.

Websites must be prefixed with one of the following:

  • http://

  • https://

  • ftp://

  • ftps://

The program will automatically prefix your URL with http:// unless an alternative prefix is entered.


Click on the 'Browse' button and navigate to select the file you wish to attach to this notice.

Once this notice has been saved, there will be a 'Paperclip' icon which signifies that an attachment is available.

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