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Daily Notices

Daily Notices Overview

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • View notices day by day. 
  • View notices for a specific day using the date selector. 
  • Search for notices using multiple filters (at the top of the screen).
  • Print a list of notices as they appear on the screen (use the 'Print' button).
  • Print a list of notices using various filters including Category, Day, Year Group, School Section and Room/Resource (use the 'Listing' button).
  • Drill-down to view notice details (click the 'Title').
  • View attachments against notices. Click the 'document' icon.
  • Enter new notices (use the 'New' button).
  • Edit existing notices. Click the 'pencil' icon.
  • Delete existing notices. Click the 'rubbish bin' icon.
  • Download a notice as an appointment to your calendar product (i.e. Outlook).  Click the 'calendar' icon.
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