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ACR - Print Y10 Certificates


The ‘Print Y10 Certificates’ program produces standard Year 10 Certificates as per the requirement for Queensland Schools.

This menu option is only enabled if your school is a Queensland-based school.

If the 'Post Code' field in TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information is outside the range 4000 – 4999, this tab will be disabled.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to this program is regulated by the ‘Print Y10 Certificates’ permission point. This user security permission can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

Setup Requirements

Subjects (and their results) will only print on this certificate if the subject record meets the following requirements.

  1. The subject's 'Reporting Flag' must be set to 'Yes' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab.

  2. The subject's 'Junior Cert. Section' must not be 'Null' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab.

  3. The student has a result for the subject (using the Objective nominated in the TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup).

The results are expected to be in the range of VHA, HA, SA, LA or VLA. The report will automatically convert these results to the respective word equivalents of 'VERY HIGH ACHIEVEMENT', 'HIGH ACHIEVEMENT', 'SOUND ACHIEVEMENT', 'LOW ACHIEVEMENT', 'VERY LOW ACHIEVEMENT'.  Other results entered outside this range will still display, but will not be converted to any word equivalents.

The 'Y10 Certificate' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup will need to indicate the reporting period for which to acquire the results, the year group of the students (usually year 10) and the Objective that was used to store the final results that are to be printed.

General Tab

'Report Criteria' is entered into the fields displayed in the 'General' tab as search criterion.  A 'Reporting Year and Period', 'Yr 9 Semesters' and 'Year 10 Semesters'  must be entered for the report to be generated.

Fields that require further explanation

Reporting Year and Period

The drop-down list will display valid reporting years and periods that are setup on your system, e.g. 2008/2 Semester 2, 2008.

Year 9 Semesters

Nominate the minimum number of Semesters/Terms that the student must have studied the subject over the past 2 years in order for that subject to be printed under the 'SUBJECTS BASED ON STATE-WIDE SANCTIONED SYLLABUSES' section of the report.

If a subject meets the required criteria but has not been studied for the required number of subjects, then the subject and result will display under the 'SCHOOL SUBJECTS' section.

Year 10 Semesters

Nominate the minimum number of Semesters/Terms that the student must have studied the subject over the past 2 years in order for that subject to be printed under the 'SUBJECTS BASED ON STATE-WIDE SANCTIONED SYLLABUSES' section of the report.

If a subject meets the required criteria but has not been studied for the required number of subjects, then the subject and result will display under the 'SCHOOL SUBJECTS' section.


This field allows you to place a comment (entered into the 'Comment' field below) against an individual subject by nominating a subject from the dropdown menu.


The following options are available for printing comments on the Certificate.

A common comment can be applied universally to all students by inserting the comment into the 'Comment' field.

An individual student based comment can be entered against a subject. That subject can be nominated at runtime using the 'Subject' field. The comment will then appear for the student against that subject.

The reports can be generated for one student at a time using the student picker and each comment may be entered individually for the student at runtime.

If the comments are entered against a subject for each student (i.e. A subject called 'Y10 Certificate'), then the comment would then be saved in the database and be available for future reference.


This field allows you to place a comment (entered into the 'Comment' field) against an individual student by nominating a student using the 'Lookup' to search for a student in the TASS Database or entering in a 'Student Code'.


For subjects to print under the heading 'SUBJECTS BASED ON STATE-WIDE SANCTIONED SYLLABUSES' the subject must have the following characteristics:

  1. The 'Junior Cert. Section' must be set to 'B' (for Board Subject).

  2. The student must have studied the subject for the number of Semesters/Terms indicated in the report runtime options for the respective years.

Print Tab

The ‘Print' tab indicates the 'Sort By' option (Surname / Given Name) and the 'Formatting Options' (Export to PDF).

Click ‘GO’ to print the certificates.

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