ACR - Copy Results
The ‘Copy Results’ program allows you to copy the results for an Objective from one Reporting Period (Result Period) to another. Filtering options are available to copy a subset of results.
Although this function may be used for a number of reasons, two anticipated uses are:
Schools that have multi-semester based competency programs (such as VET) will use this program to copy final results for competencies (Objectives) achieved from a finalised reporting period to a new reporting period, e.g. After Semester 1 reporting has been completed, all competencies achieved by students will be copied into Semester 2 as the starting point for the new semester.
In this scenario, you would select the VET subjects (using the Subject Category filter) and tick the ‘Objectives with Competency Codes Only' checkbox.
As a result of following the 'Academic Reporting Checklist - Beginning of Reporting Period’ at the end of Semester 1, you would have changed the 'IA Lock' to a flag that prevents teacher access to webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment. Therefore, teachers will no longer be able to update the results from that period. Teachers would then start using the new reporting period to update competencies achieved in the new period.Schools that need to report 'Previous Semester Result' on Academic Reports.
In this case, you would:Select the relevant 'Objective Code' (e.g. 'Semester Result').
Untick the 'Same as source Objective' box.
Nominate the 'Objective Code' that the result should be copied into (e.g. 'Previous Semester Result').
In all cases, this program will never overwrite an existing result. If results already exist for the target Objective, then they must be removed before this program will copy a result for that student. This is deliberate to ensure that you do not accidentally overwrite results that have been entered by teachers.
General Tab
Select FROM
The ‘Select FROM’ section selects the areas where you want to copy the Objective results from.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Result Period | Select the Result Period to copy the Objective results from. This is a mandatory selection field. |
Year Group | Select the Year Group to copy the Objective results from. This is a mandatory selection field. |
Subject | Use this field to select a single subject only. If you don't want to restrict the copying of result data to a single subject, leave this blank. |
Subject Category | Use this field to select a single subject category only. If you don't want to restrict the copying of result data to a single subject category, leave this blank. |
Source Objective Code | Select the Objective to copy the Objective results from. This is a mandatory selection field if the 'Objectives with Competency Codes only' checkbox is unticked. |
Objectives with Competency Codes only | This provides an alternative method for copying results for VET subjects than selecting a single Objective. If ticked, this program will only copy results for Objectives that contain a value within the 'Unit of Competency' field. |
Copy TO
The ‘Copy TO’ section selects the areas where you want to copy the Objective results to.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Result Period | Select the Result Period to copy the Objective results to. This is a mandatory selection field. |
Copy results to same Objective Code as source | Untick this box if you want to copy results into a different Objective code than was used in the 'FROM' reporting period, e.g. To copy the result from the 'Overall Result' Objective in Semester 1 into the 'Previous Semester Result' objective for Semester 2'. |
Target Objective Code | This field is only active if the 'Copy results to the same Objective Code as source' checkbox (above) is unticked. It allows you to nominate a different Objective code to copy the results into. |
Click Go
Click the 'GO' button and the program will display a list of the records that will be copied. It will display warning messages for the following student based conditions:
Student is non-current.
Student is not in the Subject in the target period.
Student has a result for the Subject/Objective in the target period.
Review these carefully and determine if the error is valid or if setups need to be modified.
It will also display warning messages for the following general conditions:
Objective Code is not set up in the target period.
Result is not set up in the target period.
These errors should be resolved before continuing.
Click the 'Confirm' button once the warnings are resolved or deemed acceptable.