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Major Items
Module | Details |
Student Check In & Check Out | The Student Self Registration Portal has been enhanced with a new Student Check In / Out facility. This new facility allows students to register their arrival on campus and departure from campus outside the timetabled school hours. Students' Check In / Out status can be viewed on the Staff Kiosk Class Rollcall screen and via a new listing called 'Student Check In / Out List'. Refer to How to Setup the Student Check In / Out Portal on the Knowledge Base for more information. |
Extra Curricular - Automatic Roll Generation | When creating a new Extra Curricular Session or Fixture, tick the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox to auto-generate single and recurring Custom Rolls. Rolls created via this method are linked to the parent session or fixture from which they were created. When the Session or Fixture is edited, deleted or cancelled the associated Custom Rolls will be automatically updated to reflect the change. The 'link' icon displays on the Custom Rolls grid screen when rolls are linked to an Extra Curricular Activity. Refer to Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions and Fixtures on the Knowledge Base for more information. |
Teacher & Employee Record Email Fields | The 'School Email Address' fields are synchronised between Employee Records and Teacher Records in the following TASS.web programs:
Any changes made to the email field from one record will update the other accordingly. |
Orbit Dashboard | A new Orbit Dashboard is available in TASS.web program System Admin > Users, providing valuable statistics to inform schools of the current usage of their Orbit apps. Users can view and interact with Parent Statistics related to the Parent Orbit app and parents and device usage. A Communication Log allows users to view the history of notifications sent to the Parent Orbit and Staff Orbit apps. Refer to Orbit Dashboard on the Knowledge Base for more information. |
Staff Orbit App | Custom Rolls and Extra Curricular Endpoints | New OAuth2 API Application endpoints introduced for the Staff Orbit App.
Extra Curricular Endpoints
Refer to the ‘Staff Orbit Release Notes’ for more information. |
What's New?
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
Attendance Self Registration Portal | Student Check In / Out | Enhancement to Attendance Self Registration Portal. 'Student Check In / Out' option introduced on the ASR portal homepage. | MIS01 | TASS-2179 |
Attendance Self Registration Portal | Student Check In / Out | Enhancement to Student Check In / Out. A message to say that 'Check In / Out is not available today' will be displayed if students attempt to check in/out during a timetabled period. The Student Check In / Out program is only available before the first timetabled period and after the last timetabled period of the day. | MIS01 | TASS-2762 |
Attendance Self Registration Portal | Student Check In / Out | Enhancement to Student Check In / Out. Post sign in 'success' and 'failure' messages colourised. The 'success' message is green, and any 'failure' messages are red. | MER01 | TASS-2853 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Group | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Groups > hamburger menu > Sessions. When an Extra Curricular Activity Fixture is deleted, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated auto-created Custom Roll/s will be automatically deleted to reflect the change. | MIS01 | TASS-2887 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Group | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Groups > hamburger menu > Sessions. When an Extra Curricular Activity Session is deleted, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated auto-created Custom Roll/s will be automatically deleted to reflect the change. | MIS01 | TASS-2888 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Groups | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Groups > hamburger menu > Sessions. When an Extra Curricular Activity Session is edited, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated auto-created Custom Roll/s will be automatically updated to reflect the change. | MIS01 | TASS-2341 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Groups | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Groups > hamburger menu > Sessions. New 'Create Custom Roll' checkbox introduced on the '+New Team / Level Session', '+New Student Session' and 'New Fixtures' modal screens to capture the required data to build Custom Rolls while scheduling an Extra Curricular Session. | MIS01 | TASS-2359 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Scheduler | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Groups > hamburger menu > Sessions. When an Extra Curricular Activity Fixture is edited, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated auto-created Custom Roll/s will be automatically updated to reflect the change. | MIS01 | TASS-2889 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Scheduler | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Scheduler > Create. New 'Create Custom Roll' checkbox introduced on the Extra Curricular Activity Session modal screen to capture the required data to build Custom Rolls while scheduling an Extra Curricular Session. | MIS01 | TASS-2357 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Scheduler | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Scheduler. When an Extra Curricular Activity Fixture is cancelled or un-cancelled, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated unmarked Custom Roll/s will be automatically cancelled or un-cancelled to reflect the change. A marked roll cannot be cancelled and a Fixture containing a marked roll cannot be cancelled. | MIS01 | TASS-2979 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Scheduler | Enhancement to Extra Curricular Scheduler. When an Extra Curricular Activity Session is cancelled or un-cancelled, and the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox is ticked, the associated unmarked Custom Roll/s will be automatically cancelled or un-cancelled to reflect the change. A marked roll cannot be cancelled and a Session containing a marked roll cannot be cancelled. | MIS01 | TASS-2342 |
Staff Kiosk > Listings | My Saved Lists | Enhancement to My Saved Lists. The 'Student Check In / Out List' can be saved to My Saved Lists and used for Scheduled Reports. | MIS01 | TASS-2551 |
Staff Kiosk > Listings | Student Check In / Out List | Enhancement to Listings. 'Student Check In / Out List' report introduced to provide detailed information about student Check In and Check Out activities. | MIS01 | TASS-2553 |
Staff Kiosk > Listings | Student Check In / Out List | Enhancement to Listings. 'Student Check In / Out List' user interface introduced. Includes filtering and additional field options to provide users with comprehensive information about student Check In and Check Out activities. | MIS01 | TASS-2537 |
Staff Kiosk > Listings | Student Check In / Out List | Enhancement to Student Check In / Out List. Field name labels and default values updated to reflect functionality and improve user experience.
| MIS01 | TASS-3032 |
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall | Class Rollcall | Enhancement to Class Rollcall. A 'check-circle' icon displays when the ‘Enable Student Check In / Out' field is ticked on the Self Registration tab in TASS.web > Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup. This 'check-circle' icon represents the 'Student Check In / Out status'. When a student checks in for the roll call date, the icon will be displayed in green. When the student checks out for the roll call date, the icon will be displayed in grey. When a student has not checked in the icon will be displayed in 'red'. Hover over the icon to display more information. | MIS01 | TASS-2178 |
Staff Kiosk > RollCall | Custom Rollcall | Enhancement to Create / Edit Custom Roll screen. When the 'Create Custom Roll' checkbox has been used to auto-create Custom Rolls, the Activity Session Information fields will be greyed out to prevent Activity data from being altered in the Custom Rollcall program. Activity data can only be modified in the Extra Curricular program. | MIS01 | TASS-2790 |
Staff Kiosk > RollCall | Custom Rollcall | Enhancement to Custom Rolls. New ‘link’ icon introduced to the Custom Rolls Grid Screen. The icon displays where a link to an Extra Curricular Session or Fixture exists. | MIS01 | TASS-2360 |
TASS.web > Attendance | Attendance Setup | Enhancement to Attendance Setup. 'Enable Student Check In / Out' checkbox introduced on the 'Self Registration' tab. | MIS01 | TASS-2177 |
TASS.web > Users | Orbit Dashboard | Enhancement to Orbit Dashboard > Communications Logs tab. Filter options introduced to sort and search through logs to find relevant information. | MIS01 | TASS-3200 |
TASS.web > Users | Orbit Dashboard | Enhancement to Orbit Dashboard > Parents Statistics tab. Grid data is available for each of the Parent Statistics. | MIS01 | TASS-3188 |
TASS.web > Users | Orbit Dashboard | Enhancement to Orbit Dashboard. Communications Logs tab introduced to provide comprehensive access to all app communication records. | MIS01 | TASS-3177 |
TASS.web > Users | Orbit Dashboard | Enhancement to Orbit Dashboard. Parents Statistics tab introduced with statistics and charts. Refer to Major Items for more information. | MIS01 | TASS-1971 |
TASS.web > Users | User Maintenance | Enhancement to User Maintainance. New User Security Permission points introduced for 'Orbit Dashboard', '--- Parent Orbit', and '--- Staff Orbit.' | MIS01 | TASS-1972 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Parent API. 'getPtiAppointmentSchedule' endpoint updated to include the Online Meeting Link for PTI Conferences. | MIS01 | TASS-3143 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. 'GetStudentAlerts' endpoint updated to include Student Learning Support Plan alerts. | MIS01 | TASS-3337 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. New 'getECGSetup' endpoint introduced to return setup details for Extra Curricular Groups. | MIS01 | TASS-3368 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. New 'getStaffECG' endpoint introduced to return Extra Curricular Group grid data. | MIS01 | TASS-3369 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. New 'getStaffECGDetails' endpoint introduced to return Extra Curricular Group modal details data. | MIS01 | TASS-3370 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. New 'getStaffSessions' endpoint introduced to return Extra Curricular Sessions detail data. | MIS01 | TASS-3371 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. New 'setStudentNote' endpoint introduced to enable users to add/edit Student Notes. | MIS01 | TASS-3300 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to TASS APIs > Employee/HR API. 'getEmployeeDetails' endpoint updated to allow a selection of Employee Records to be returned at the same time. Previously, the endpoint only allowed one or all Employee Records to be returned. | MIS01 | TASS-3191 |
TASS.web > Utilities | Portal Security Permissions | Enhancement to Portal Security Permissions. New permission point introduced to allow or deny access to 'Student Check In / Out List' in Staff Kiosk > Listings. | MIS01 | TASS-2536 |
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care | PC Entries | Correction to PC Entries. The 'Unavailable.gif' image will display when students do not have a photo image uploaded to their student record. | BIL01 | TASS-3083 |
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR | My Staff Leave / Other Applications | Correction to Leave Applications. Update to ensure that all Leave Type hours display and are considered when drafting a Part Day leave application containing more than one Leave Type for Employees with Work Schedules. | GEN01 | TASS-3023 |
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall | Class Rollcall | Correction to Class Rollcall. Update to ensure that two 'Present' options do not appear in the Rollcall status selection picklist, and the 'Absent from Class' option displays and functions as intended. | STP01 | TASS-3288 |
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall | Custom Rolls | Correction to Custom Rolls. Update to ensure Student names appear when users hover over the numbers displayed in the 'Absent' column. | WAV01 | TASS-3283 |
Attendance Self Registration | Log In | Correction to Attendance Self Registration to ensure Students can log in when LDAPS is enabled. | LOR02 | TASS-2907 |
TASS.web > General | Communication Logs | Correction to Teacher, Parent, and Student Communication Logs to improve screen load times and performance. Updated to display only the top 20 query records with an option to access the Communication Log Grid by clicking the 'See More' or 'See All' button. | AUS08 | TASS-2963 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Parent Transactions Report | Correction to Parent Transactions Report. A 'Loading… Please Wait' pop-up will display when the program generates the report. | RIV02 | TASS-2972 |
TASS.web > Payroll | Calculate Pays | Correction to the calculations used when processing Paycodes with the 'Tax at Marginal Rate' checkbox ticked. The calculation has been updated to account for the maximum withholding rate of 47% as per ATO documentation. | MAR02 | TASS-2499 |
TASS.web > School Shop | Stock | Correction to Stock program to resolve Opps! Error. 'Sell price' field updated to correctly display negative amounts in cases where more than 2 decimal digits are being used. | KIN01 | TASS-3077 |
TASS.web > Student Admin | Medical Setup | Correction to resolve Oops! Error, and allow data to be saved in Medical Setup tabs that contain Medical UD field labels (e.g. 'Medical' tab and 'User Defined' tab). | MIS01 | TASS-3473 |
TASS.web > Student Records | Address Collection (Aus) | Correction to Government Returns > Address Collection (Aus). Update to improve load times and performance when generating the report. | CEO01 | TASS-3212 |
TASS.web > Timetable | Import Student Subject Data | Correction to Import Student Subject Data. Update to improve import times and program performance. | ROS01 | TASS-2885 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Parent API. 'getParentTeacherInterviews' endpoint updated to return PTI conference information relevant to the particular Parent who is logged into the Parent Orbit App. | MIS01 | TASS-3174 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Parent API. 'GetMedicalVerifications' endpoint updated to return Emergency Contacts associated with Split Family Access (SFA) access. | AUT | TASS-3378 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. 'getTeacherTimetable' endpoint updated to return timetables for substitute teachers. | MIS01 | TASS-3211 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. 'getRollcall' endpoint updated to ensure Assessment Activities appear when the 'Current Activities Due Today' filter is applied. | MIS01 | TASS-3256 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. 'GetStaffEDiary' endpoint updated include the client IP variable and resolve the server 500 error. | MIS01 | TASS-3276 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. 'getTeacherTimetable' endpoint updated to only return the roll for the current period when 'Limit teachers to mark the roll within the current timetabled period only' is enabled in TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup. | MIS01 | TASS-3257 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to TASS APIs > Identity Management API. 'GetParents' endpoint updated to prevent Parent Codes from appearing in Username fields for users who are not part of a split family and do not have Parent Lounge access. | MIS01 | TASS-2149 |
TASS.web > Utilities | Library Integration API | Correction to TASS APIs > Oliver Library Management API. 'getPhoto' endpoint updated to resolve the error when attempting to retrieve student photos. | STJ19 | TASS-3150 |