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The Daily Notices List Screen

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of notices for your campus (where applicable) and the current day.

You can use the filters at the top of the screen to return a different list of notices based on:

  • Campus.

  • Year Group.

  • Title (use the 'filter search').

  • Description (use the 'filter search').

If you have edit permissions for Daily Notices, a 'Visible In' filter is available. By default, daily notices for teachers, parents, students and the public calendar will be displayed. Use this to filter the notices displayed for one or more of these groups.

Select the 'pencil' icon to edit a notice.

Refer to 'Adding a new Daily Notice' for details on the 'Edit Daily Notice' screen.

Select the 'rubbish bin' icon to delete a notice.

Select the 'calendar' icon to download a notice as an appointment (in iCal format) to your calendar product, i.e. Outlook.

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