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TER - Update Teacher Passwords

This program is a tool for processing bulk changes to selected teacher login passwords for use in the Staff Kiosk and webBook portals.

You can use this TASS.web program instead of Student Admin > Staff > Teacher Information > Teachers when there is a need to update more than one teacher password in the database.

The 'Update Teacher Passwords' screen displays a blank data grid and 'Department' selection screen.

Select a 'Department' to display teachers in the chosen department, or, select 'All' to display all current teachers.

Only teachers where the Teacher Kiosk Access Flag is set to 'Y' in their Teacher Record will be listed.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on different departments permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Teachers that already have a password will display asterisks in the 'Password' field, those teachers that don't will display a blank 'Password' field.

There are two ways in which a new password can be created:

  1. Click an individual cell to enter a new teacher password. The field allows a maximum entry of 32 characters and will be case sensitive.

    Use the 'Fill Down' icon to replicate the same data down the column.

  2. Select the 'Generate' icon to randomly create a unique 7 character password for all teachers displayed in the grid.

    To start over, use the 'Restore' icon to undo your changes.

If you make a mess, use the 'Restore' button to undo your changes. Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored to the last 'Save'.
  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

Select 'Save' to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Select the 'Email' icon to generate a bulk email to all teachers displayed in the grid with new password information. Only those teachers that have a new password will be notified.

A return email address must be entered before the email can be created.

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