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v54 Major Items


Release Date: Friday 9th April 2021

Version 54 brings with it some highly requested enhancements and new features that will optimise your school's efficiency.

Major Items - Features List

Major Item



Scheduling (in combination with ‘My Saved Lists’ within Staff Kiosk) allows you to automate the generation and delivery of reports directly to your email at nominated times. This saves time of having to run reports manually and is available for the following key reports:

  • Pastoral Care Entries

  • Student Absences

  • Class Lists

  • Student Notes

  • Student Details

A new concept also introduced is ‘relative dates’. This means reports can be configured to generate for a time period that is relative to the current date (such as last week, this week or yesterday etc.) this provides the ability to provide timely digests of activities that have occurred in the past or occurring in the future directly to your mailbox.

Bank Feeds

A new bank account dashboard and automated reconciliation feature has been introduced to the Cash Book. Tools are now available to import transactions from your bank statement into your cashbook which then automates and/or provides matching of the transactions. 

Events & Payments 

Tours & Excursions has been significantly enhanced to accommodate additional types of school-based events and payments. 

  • Re-naming from ‘Tours and Excursions’ to ‘Events and Payments’

  • Improved User Interface within the Staff Kiosk to consolidate the multiple programs into one central program

  • Ability to create a ‘Draft Event’  

  • Cloning functionality

  • Ability for Parents to add comments at the Tour and Option levels 

  • Summary Medical report

  • Improved integration with Roll Call


Substitutions will be redesigned to provide better visibility of teachers on leave and faster allocation of covers. 

  • User Interface redesign incorporating a day and week view matrix

  • Ability to allocate covers (with a single click) for multiple periods leveraging an interface that provides enhanced visibility of all Substitute Teacher schedules

Student Appointment Log & Self Registration Portal 

A new Appointment Log will be added to the Calendar module in Staff Kiosk to track student whereabouts for Counselling, Careers, Learning Support meetings & more. These 'Appointment Types' will be configurable by the school. 

The log will include a check in and check out time, Appointment Notes with a seperate space for Confidential Notes and attachments. 

A new Self Registration portal will also be included to allow the Students to register themselves as checking in and out of Appointment Types e.g. Counselling. 

Student Appointments will be visible on Roll Call and details of that Appointment (including the Type) will be controlled by permissions. 

Enrolments Worksheet Projections

You can now project your future student numbers forward multiple years. 

 The additional feature of configuring probabilities against each enrolment stage for each year in advance helps with forecasting and predicting.

... and more!

We've summarised some of the big-ticket items in Version 54 above but we've also packed the release with a number of other enhancements and corrections. 

V54 Beta Program

Please note, the BETA Program has now concluded for V54.

A BIG 'Thank you' goes out to all the schools who participated in the Version 54 BETA Program.

We appreciate the feedback and collaboration throughout the program.

Resources shared:

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