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STR - Subject Classifications Tab (SU)

Student Subject Classifications Overview

This is the program used to add or delete subject classifications.

Subject classifications are an optional field on the subject record, used as an information-only field by Queensland Secondary Schools.

Subject classifications are referenced in Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab when defining new subjects or editing existing subjects.

Adding Subject Classifications

To add a new subject classification, click on the 'New' button. Add your required subject classification and click on the 'Save' button, or select the 'Cancel' button to return to the 'Student Records Setup' screen.

Viewing and Editing Subject Classifications

To edit or delete a subject classification, select the required subject classification and click on the 'Edit Selected' or 'Delete Selected' button. The 'Subject Classifications' window is then populated with detail of your chosen selection.

In 'Edit' mode you may make changes to your selection. Make your required changes and click the 'Save' button to commit the required changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed explanation


Code for the subject classification and used by the system to maintain uniqueness. Enter up to 4 characters alphanumeric.

Examples may be:

  • 'S010'.
  • 'S030'.
  • 'S040'.
  • 'S090'.


The description of this subject classification.

Examples may include:

  • S010        'English'.
  • S030        'Languages'.
  • S040        'Mathematics'.
  • S090        'Social Sciences'.

You may also choose to delete a subject classification, provided that subject classification is not in use. Click the 'Delete Selected' button to delete the chosen subject classification from your TASS.web database. You will then be prompted with a message box confirming your choice.

If a subject classification is in use it may not be deleted. This will be indicated by a message displaying 'Subjects Classifications code is in use – Unable to delete'.

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