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The Student Record ‘SCSA’ tab is where you can view the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Student Number and other details that are required for Western Australian-specific Government Returns.

This tab is only visible to schools located in Western Australia.

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) is responsible for the issuing of the Western Australian Certificate of Education. SCSA requires Western Australian Schools to submit information regarding their students' personal details.

Although data can be maintained for a single student on this tab, a better way for updating SCSA data where multiple student records need to be maintained is to use TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > SCSA Processing (WA).

Fields that require further explanation

WA Student Number

The student's identification number as provided by the Curriculum Council.

Certificate Name

The name that will appear on the student's statement of results at the completion of Year 12.

Previous Surname

If any student has a previous Surname, then insert it here.

Previous Given Name

If any student has a previous Given Name, then insert it here.

Leave Status

The valid options are:

1 – Currently at provider.

2 – Deceased student.

3 – Left secondary education.

4 – Left from this provider.

5 – Left Western Australia.

Status Date

This date refers to the date the student's 'Leave Status' (above) changes

For example, they have just enrolled or transferred in from another school, left your school or left the state, or are deceased.

Exemption from School

This field should remain an 'N' unless the student has been granted an exemption from school under Section 11 of the School Education Act 1999.

ELC Standard

This Yes/No field is used to indicate a student's English Language Competence.

Proficiency in Spoken English

The valid options are:

1 = Very well.

2 = Well.

3 = Not well.

4 = Not at all.

Community Service Hours

Use this field to record the number of community service hours a student has completed.

This is optional, but where the number of hours has been provided to the SCSA, it will be printed on the student's statement of results at the completion of Year 12.

Student Fee Status

This field will display either:

Y = Required to pay full fees.

N = Not required to pay full fees.

For more information, refer to Setup and run the WA SCSA Export.

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