Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 FAQs
What is Single Touch Payroll Phase 2?
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is the way you report your employee’s tax and super information to the ATO.
In the 2019-20 Budget, the Federal government announced that Single Touch Payroll (STP) would be expanded to include additional information.
The expansion of STP, also known as STP Phase 2, will reduce reporting burden for employers who need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies.
What is TASS doing about STP Phase 2?
In response to STP Phase 2 TASS have made the following changes to the Knowledge Base and its software:
Help Article | Description |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Payroll Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the ‘Paycodes' tab. | The 'Paycode Details' screen has divided into three sections. The new third section is titled 'Single Touch Payroll Reporting' with the following fields 'Payment Type', 'Allowance/Deduction Type', 'Leave Type', 'Salary Sacrifice Type', 'Lump Sum Payment', 'ETP Paycode', 'ETP Component', 'ETP Type Code', 'Bonuses and Commissions', 'Directors Fees' and 'Overtime'. |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Payroll Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Tax Scales' tab. | The 'Tax Scale Details' screen has been updated. |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Payroll Setup Information > Payroll Setup | The 'Check Payroll Setups' button runs a program to check that payroll setup data matches ATO requirements. The paycodes checked by this program have been updated. This includes 'ETP details', 'Lump Sum A details', 'Lump Sum E details', 'Paycodes with an Allowance Type of Other", 'Lump Sum Payment details', 'Paid Leave details' and 'Salary Sacrifice details'. |
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Pay Run Reset | The 'Check Payroll Setups' button runs a program to check that payroll setup data matches ATO requirements. The paycodes checked by this program have been updated. This includes 'ETP details', 'Lump Sum A details', 'Lump Sum E details', 'Paycodes with an Allowance Type of Other", 'Lump Sum Payment details', 'Paid Leave details' and 'Salary Sacrifice details'. |
When do we need to implement STP Phase 2?
The ATO has granted TASS a delayed start date of 31 March 2022 for STP Phase 2. You must commence STP Phase 2 reporting by the first payday after 31 March 2020.
What you need to do?
Follow How to Enable Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 to update to STP Phase 2.