How to Enable Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP Phase 2)
STP2 reporting won’t impact the way you generate an STP report in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.
What will change is the information going into the report. This guide will show you how to setup STP2 to include all relevant information.
Step | Task | Details | ✅ | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Upgrade to the latest v55 patch | To prepare for STP2, you will need to be running TASS Version 55.4.x. To enable STP2, a v55 patch release will be available on Tuesday 15th March (required for Step 12 onwards). This version will be: 55.4.130. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Ensure all employees have a Tax File Number | Check and enter employee 'Tax File Number' on the 'Tax & Bank' tab. To review records in bulk:
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3 | Update Tax & Bank tab | Update the new fields in Tax & Bank tab in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees or Employee Grid Entry. The new fields include:
Check the 'Residency Tax Status' and 'Study Training & Support Load Debt' fields for all employees and update where necessary. These fields will be transmitted to the ATO for every employee in both Pay Events or Update Events and must be correct. When using the grid, the 'Country of Origin' field can only be updated for employees who have the 'Residency Tax Status' of Working Holiday Maker. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Annual Tax Offset Amount | Your employee may have given you a Withholding Declaration which claims an offset amount to reduce the amount you withhold from their pay. This will automatically be calculated based on the sum of Rebate and Zone Rebate entered under TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the 'Tax & Bank' tab. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Report Paid Leave | Under STP Phase 2, Paid Leave must be separated from the Gross amount and reported under the categories below:
To meet this reporting requirement you will need to review all your paycodes that relate to paid leave and set the Payment Type field to 'Paid Leave' and choose the appropriate value for the Leave Type field. You can update your paycodes in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Paycodes' tab. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Report Child Support Deductions | Child Support Deductions and Garnishees can now be reported through STP. If you wish to report Child Support Deductions and Garnishees through STP you will have to review the paycodes for these deductions and ensure the Payment Type field is set to 'Allowances and Deductions' and choose the appropriate value for the Deduction Type field. The options for the Deduction Type field will be:
Child Support Deductions and Garnishees must be reported separately so you will need a paycode for each type of deduction that you use. If you have a single paycode that has been used for both Child Support Deductions and Child Support Garnishees in the current financial year you will have to make adjustments to those deductions before you can commence Child Support Deductions and Garnishees through STP. Please contact the Help Desk for assistance before proceeding. When you report Child Support Deductions and Garnishees through STP for the first time you must also submit the existing Child Support Report form to the Child Support Registrar. You can update your paycodes in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Paycodes' tab. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Report Salary Sacrifice | Under STP Phase 2, Salary Sacrifices must be reported separately from the Gross amount. When reporting salary sacrificed amounts, there are two types to report:
On the Paycodes tab, use the Ctrl + F to search for descriptions. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Report Overtime | Under STP Phase 2, Overtime must be reported separately from the Gross amount.
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9 | Report Bonuses and Commissions | You may pay some employees Bonus and Commission payments to reward their performance, service or for meeting a specific goal. These will need to be reported in STP Phase 2 reporting.
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10 | Report Directors' Fees | If you pay Directors' Fees you must separately report these in your STP Phase 2 report.
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11 | Update Lump Sum Payments | The ATO has made some changes to the reporting of Lump Sum Payments for STP Phase 2.
Lump Sum E Payments
The ATO have specific reporting requirements for Lump Sum E payments. Lump Sum E payments must be reported per financial year. If you have Lump Sum E payments that have occurred across more than one financial year you will need to report these Lump Sum E payments separately. Following the steps above you will need to add multiple Lump Sum E paycodes using a different financial year. E.g. Lump Sum E 2021, Lump Sum E 2020, Lump Sum E 2019. If you have processed Lump Sum E payments in the current financial year that relate to multiple income years you will have to reverse these payments and split them across multiple paycodes. For further information please refer to Australian Taxation Office website. Return to Work Payments
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12 | Enable STP Phase 2 |
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13 | Update Allowances | Allowances will continue to be reported separately under STP Phase 2. However, the ATO has identified three new Allowance Types:
Allowance types you will separately report in STP Phase 2 are:
You can update your paycodes in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Paycodes' tab. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Run the Employee Data Exceptions Report |
You must run the Employee Data Exception Report before commencing your next pay run as any issues identified by this report will have to be resolved before you will be able to complete a pay run. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Run the Payroll Setups Exceptions Report |
You must run the Payroll Setups Exceptions Report before commencing your next pay run as any issues identified by this report will have to be resolved before you will be able to complete a pay run. | 🔲 | ||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Commence STP Reporting | You are now ready to start STP Phase 2 reporting. All remuneration you pay to employees that is reportable through STP, and is not separately itemised, should be reported as Gross. | 🔲 |